High School Basketball Player Not Held Back By Erb's Palsy

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Landus Anderson is one of the top high school basketball players in Florida and has aspirations to one day play basketball in college and beyond. All the more impressive is that he accomplishes everything he does on the court with only one hand due to the fact that he has Erb’s Palsy.

According to the Fort Wayne Journal Gazette, the 6-4 junior who has averaged more than 19 points and eight rebounds a game for the Florida High Seminoles has no control of his fingers on his right hand. Similarly, his right arm can hardly be used in competition either. While some children diagnosed with Erb’s Palsy can recover range of motion in their arm by their first birthday, such was not the case with Anderson.

“They can’t fix the damaged nerves, but at birth I had a muscle transfer in my bicep area,” said Anderson, who is almost a straight-A student as well. “They could’ve done one down low, but my mother didn’t want them to experiment on me.”

Despite his birth injury, Anderson has learned through the years to accomplish everything from the most simple skills (tying a shoe) to more complicated ones (playing basketball) with the help of his family.

“He has a determination that’s so unique,” his mother Pamela Anderson told the Journal Gazette. “He’s not a complainer. He’s not a whiner. It wasn’t easy, but Landus made it easier.”

While a birth injury such as Erb’s Palsy can be very difficult with, it is possible for people with the condition to live regular lives. If you have a child who was born with a birth injury that may have been cause by medical negligence, contact Sokolove Law today to learn more about possibly pursuing a birth injury lawsuit.


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