Hitting a Home Run: Sports for Children with Birth Injuries

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Your child with cerebral palsy may have physical limitations, but that doesn’t mean he or she has to sit around the house and remain inactive. With increased activity, many children can build endurance, muscles, social skills, more independence, and better overall health.

Conversely, reduced activity can limit the stamina of a child with a birth injury. It can also contribute to a lowered self-esteem and lead to medical issues such as bone loss, poor circulation, and blood clots.

If your child is currently not physically active, experiment with a variety of activities to see if there are any that he or she naturally gravitates toward. Events like the Special Olympics accept children who were born with birth injuries and can often open your child’s eyes to a variety of activities in a safe environment. Look for groups, summer camps, after school programs and other organizations online that offer activities for disabled children. This is also a great way for you to meet other parents of disabled children; you can share stories and develop friendships.

Many parents believe that children with disabilities are more likely to get hurt if they participate in sports or recreation programs. However, disabled children have the same risk as other children when it comes to physical activity in most circumstances. Talk to your doctor about any concerns you may have over injuries to your childen, he or she can reassure you and suggest sports or activities that would be the best.

As a parent of family member of a child with a birth injury, your goal is to create a normal and happy life for your child. Whether it is sports, school, or socializing, you want what’s best for their development no matter what the cost.

That being said, the financial burden can be overwhelming at times. If you think your child’s birth injury was caused by medical error, call Sokolove Law today to learn more about pursuing a birth injury lawsuit. Monetary compensation in a birth injury lawsuit can be designated specifically towards medical costs for your child.


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