Illinois Company Cited for Mesothelioma Risks

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The Illinois-based A.M. Castle & Co. construction company has been cited with 22 health violations by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) that involve its failure to protect its workers from asbestos inhalation, and therefore increase their likelihood of developing mesothelioma later in life.

The “serious health violations” levied against construction company include its failure to determine the presence of asbestos-containing material on the site and properly mark them as being potentially dangerous, not providing a regulated area for asbestos removal operations, not using HEPA vacuums to safely collect debris that could contain asbestos fibers, and improperly monitoring whether or not any employees were being exposed to asbestos.

A.M. Castle also did not provide asbestos awareness training to employees at the site, and also did not give them the proper protective clothing, respirators, and access to a “decontamination room,” as they are required to do so..

"Failing to take proper precautions when removing asbestos puts workers at risk for respiratory and other serious illnesses," said Diane Turek, the director of OSHA's Chicago North Area Office, in a press release. "OSHA is committed to protecting workers on the job, especially when employers fail to do so."

In addition to the citations, A.M. Castle will also be fined $127,600.

If you or a loved one has been exposed to asbestos at work and since developed mesothelioma, call Sokolove Law today for a free legal consultation regarding a mesothelioma lawsuit.


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