Illinois Passes Password Protection Law
A new law was passed in Illinois that will stop employers from demanding social media passwords from job candidates and employees.
The legislation, H.B. 3782, makes it illegal for an employer to ask an employee or job applicant for their username or password for social media websites, such as Facebook and Twitter, according to Business Insurance. The law also stops companies from forcing an employee to show an employer nonpublic content on their social media pages -- a practice called “shoulder surfing.”
“Members of the workforce should not be punished for information their employers don’t legally have the right to have,” said Gov. Pat Quinn, who signed the legislation into law. “As use of social media continues to expand, this new law will protect workers and their right to personal privacy.”
Illinois is following the footsteps of Maryland, which was the first state to ban the practice.
If you think your privacy rights were violated, contact Sokolove Law for a free legal consultation and to find out if you have grounds to pursue legal action. For legal help, call (800) 581-6358.