Insurer Denies Responsibilty for Dangerous Drug

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Scottsdale Insurance Company is trying to distance itself from the disastrous clinical study of a defective wrinkle medication manufactured by Coapt Systems Inc., claiming that it is not responsible to cover the numerous dangerous drug lawsuits that have been filed in the trial’s wake.

In 2008, a paid clinical study took place that was designed to test Coapt’s Botox-like dermal filler medication, which was designed to remove wrinkles by injecting it underneath the skin. Those who took part in the study ended up suffering a number of medical and emotional side effects from the medication.

Since then, 58 dangerous drug lawsuits have been filed against Coapt alleging that the company did not warn participant in the study of the potential risks that came with taking the dermal filler.

Scottsdale, which Coapt had taken out insurance policies with, has now thrown its hat into the ring and filed its own lawsuit against the pharma company alleging that it is not responsible to cover the fallout from the clinical test.

“Both the act of injecting the Coapt gel products and the act of selling an marketing Coapt gel products are considered professional services,” the lawsuit states, according to Law360. It also says that professional services are not covered in by Scottsdale’s plan with Coapt.

Scottsdale also denied that it had to cover claims from doctors who administered the dermal filler during the test who suffered damage to their reputations, mental anguish, and a loss of earnings in its wake.

The side effects of Coapt’s dermal filler, as mentioned in Scottsdale’s lawsuit, include:

  • Severe swelling to the nasal fold, jaw, neck, and eye areas
  • Blisters
  • Pain
  • Lumpiness
  • Lopsided or uneven face and/or smile
  • Skin Irritation

If you or a loved one has been harmed by a dangerous drug, call Sokolove Law today to learn more about pursuing a dangerous drug lawsuit.
