Merck Settles Consumer Fraud Lawsuit

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Merck & Co has settled a consumer fraud lawsuit that claimed the drugmaker delayed the release of negative results of a study because the information it contained would hurt drugs sales.

According to Associated Press, the settlement ended a case that had been filed four years earlier by shareholders after Merck delayed the release of results concerning cholesterol drug Vytorin for 21 months.

The settlement calls for Merck to report to the research committee of its board of directors each year on why any delays in announcements regarding the results of patient studies are taking place, the reasons for the delay, and corrective actions that will be taken after the delay.

These requirements will be in effect for the next three years and cover all drugs that are on the market.

If you or a loved one has been wronged by consumer fraud, contact Sokolove Law for a free legal consultation and to find out if you have grounds to pursue legal action.

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