Mesothelioma Patient Submits Testimony to Congress

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Inspiring news out of Washington D.C. as a mesothelioma survivor is making her voice heard in an attempt to get more mesothelioma support from Congress.

In an attempt to convince the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, HHS, Education, and Related Agencies to increase funding and medical research for mesothelioma, Bonnie Anderson of the Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation has submitted her own patient testimony.

Anderson was diagnosed with peritoneal mesothelioma 10 years ago and given only six months to live. However, due in part to a mesothelioma clinical trial she was able to be a part of, she has been able to survive the deadly cancer.

“I participated knowing I could face devastating side effects but with the hope I could help doctors learn how to treat mesothelioma and possibly add precious minutes to my time with my family,” Anderson said.

She also detailed the issues she had to deal with when it came to getting her insurance to cover the costs for her clinical trial, which she insisted on continuing no matter the cost.

“I knew if I was going to die from mesothelioma, I was going to put it to good use in a clinical trial,” she added.

Anderson and MARF are pushing to increase the funding for mesothelioma research after recent years in which it has actually decreased. National Cancer Institute funding for mesothelioma research decreased 14 percent from 2008-2009 and 6 percent from 2009-2010.

This steady decline in funding terrifies me as a patient anxiously awaiting development of new treatments,” Anderson said. “At this juncture, unless researchers have the funds to continue, patients like myself will have run out of treatment options and will die from this disease.”

Have you been diagnosed with mesothelioma that was caused by asbestos exposure, there may be legal options at your disposal. Call Sokolove Law today for a free legal consultation regarding a mesothelioma claim. Call us at 888-360-4215 to speak with a mesothelioma paralegal.
