Mesothelioma Victims To Receive Insurance Payments

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A historic ruling in the UK will allow thousands of families who have lost someone to mesothelioma receive the compensation they deserve, after years of denial from their insurance companies.

The UK Supreme Court recently ruled that families with relatives who were killed by mesothelioma will be eligible to receive compensation through the insurance companies that were covering them at the time.

Six-thousand families of mesothelioma victims have been wrapped up in years of litigation that alleged four insurance companies that had been skirting claim payments that were owed to them. The insurers argued that employer liability only covered instances when cancerous tumors began developing while the victim was still employed, according to Business Week.

However, the Supreme Court ruled that insurance coverage at the time of asbestos exposure will qualify the sickened individuals - and their families - to the insurance payments. The 6,000 families may receive settlements totaling £6 million (958 million U.S. dollars). Up to 25,000 families may ultimately be affected by the ruling due to future claims, and could up the total settlement figure to approximately £5 billion ($7.9 billion), according to The Independent.

If you or a loved one has been exposed to asbestos and have since developed mesothelioma, there are legal actions at your disposal. Call Sokolove Law today to learn more about pursuing a mesothelioma claim.


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