Military Dad Surprised by Walking Son with Cerebral Palsy

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Families with children who have cerebral palsy undoubtedly have a number of difficult challenges they face on a regular basis. With that in mind, it is always good to point out the times when that difficult work pays off.

CBS News recently reported on an internet video that has been making the rounds in recent weeks that shows staff sergeant Jeremy Cooney returning home from Afghanistan to meet his family at Camp Lejeune. His six-year-old son, Michael, was born with cerebral palsy and told by doctors that he would likely never be able to walk.

However, while Jeremy was deployed in Afghanistan, Michael worked with his mother, Melissa, and was able to learn how to stand up and walk on his own. Jeremy was kept in the dark about the training until he returned home and was surprised to see Michael walk over and give him a hug.

The video, which was recently posted online by Melissa, shows the touching scene unfold.

“It’s one of the most proudest (sic) moments of my life,” Jeremy told CBS of being greeted by Michael. “I never thought it would happen. I can’t describe the feeling.”

If you have a child who was born with cerebral palsy that may have been caused by doctor error, there may be legal actions worth pursuing to get money that can be used to pay for medical care. Call Sokolove Law today for a free legal consultation regarding a birth injury lawsuit. Call us today at (800)-561-7154.


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Military Dad Surprised by Walking Son with Cerebral Palsy
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