More Exeter Hospital Patients Infected with Hep C

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The number of patients who contracted Hepatitis C from Exeter Hospital in New Hampshire has climbed to 20, including one employee.

An investigation remains underway to look into the possibility that a hospital employee who was using a syringe to inject drugs meant for patients may be the source of the outbreak, according to the Manchester Union-Leader.

The hospital contacted 879 patients who were treated at its cardiac catheterization lab and recovery unit between April 1, 2011, and May 25, 2012, according to a press release by the hospital.

Hepatitis C is a potentially fatal liver disease that is often spread through blood. Symptoms may include loss of appetite, abdominal pain, fatigue, nausea, and jaundice or yellowing of skin.

If you suspect you may have been infected in connection to this outbreak, call Sokolove Law today about an Exeter Hospital hepatitis C lawsuit. For legal help, call (800) 581-6358.
