National Guard Soldiers Awarded Millions in Toxic Exposure Suit

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A federal jury in Portland, Oregon, ordered defense contractor Kellogg Brown & Root (KBR) to pay $85 million in damages to National Guard soldiers for negligence in exposing them to a carcinogenic chemical present at a water plant in Southern Iraq.

CNN reports that the National Guard soldiers claimed in their suit that KBR "knowingly" exposed them to sodium dichromate while they protected workers at the Qarmat Ali water plant in 2003, leading them to suffer skin and respiratory ailments. Sodium dichromate contains the carcinogen hexavalent chromium.

The $85 million award included $850,000 as non-economic damages and $6.25 million as punitive damages to each soldier while holding the contractor guilty of negligence.

KBR said it would appeal the jury’s verdict, according to CNN.

If you or a loved one served in the military and were exposed to dangerous chemicals, there may be legal action worth pursuing. Contact Sokolove Law today to learn more about pursuing a military toxic exposure lawsuit.
