Nursing Home Owner Charged With Elderly Abuse

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The former owner of a Glendale, AZ nursing home has been charged with two counts of elderly abuse following the death of a resident at one of her facilities.

Lydia Zagrean was the owner or Milestone Assisted Living in 2009 when then 72-year-old Lena Vincent entered the facility for care. While no problems occurred for the first two years she was at the nursing home, things took a sudden turn for the worse in February 2011 when Zagrean called Lena’s daughter, Debbie and said Lena needed urgent medical care.

When Debbie arrived at the facility she discovered that her mother was in pain and had a visibly injured wrist. She was also covered in thick white paste, the removal of which revealed she had suffered deep bruises on her arms, chest, and torso. She also was found to have a fractured wrist, genital lice, and facial cuts, the Tuscon Citizen reported.

Lena ended up passing away from a brain hemorrhage that were related to the injuries. Follow up medical examinations determined that the extreme bruising was likely caused by repeated punches to the chest, leading to Zagrean’s arrest.

Zagrean was charged with two counts of physical abuse of a vulnerable adult, and also accused of taking away Vincent’s cane and walker. She allegedly admitted to police that she “had grown very frustrated in dealing with this victim due to her night wandering and restlessness brought on by her advanced dementia.”

If you or a loved one has been the victim of elder abuse, call Sokolove Law today for a free legal consultation regarding a nursing home abuse lawsuit. For legal help, call (800) 581-6358.
