Nursing Home Worker Took Nude Pictures of Residents

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A “despicable” case of alleged nursing home abuse has resulted in the arrest of an Iowa woman who is charged with taking nude pictures of a resident at the facility she worked at.

Shelby County police recently arrested 35-year-old Amanda Sedina, an employee at the Salem Lutheran Nursing Home in Elk Horn, IA, on charges of invasion of privacy-nudity. Sedina allegedly took pictures of a 78-year-old resident at the nursing home she was bathing and sent them via text message to another nursing home employee.

The inappropriate picture was reported by the second employee to nursing home administrators, who contacted police. Shelby County Deputy Sheriff Rod McMurphy called Sedina’s alleged actions “beyond despicable” and said the situation was very unusual for the county,Radio Iowa reported.

If you or a loved one has been subjected to negligent or poor care at a nursing home facility, there may be legal options available. Call Sokolove Law today to learn more about pursuing a nursing home abuse lawsuit.


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