Possible Cerebral Palsy Treatment Found

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A landmark study from the National Institutes of Health has found that cerebral palsy may in fact be treatable.

The study, which was conducted by the NIH’s Perinatology Research Branch, used the anti-inflammatory drug N-acetyl-L-cysteine (or NAC) on newborn baby rabbits with similar brain inflammation that is often seen in human cerebral palsy patients.

The baby rabbits had the drug administered to them during the first day of their life. Within five days, many of the rabbits were able to walk and hop after not being able to previously.

“This suggests that there is a window of opportunity to prevent cerebral palsy,” said Roberto Romero, the chief of the NIH’s Perinatology Research Branch and an author of the study, according to Disability Scoop.

Findings from the study will be published in Science Translational Medicine.

While many more studies are needed to test the effectiveness of this treatment in humans with cerebral palsy, these findings are nonetheless an exciting breakthrough that could help current cerebral palsy patients while also preventing the condition for others in the future.

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with cerebral palsy that was caused by medical error, there may be legal actions at your disposal. Call Sokolove Law today to learn more about pursuing a birth injury lawsuit. Call us today at (877) 221-9286.
