Pradaxa Safety Worries Leads to Rise of New Anticoagulants

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One thought to be the first viable anticoagulant drug replacement for warafin in decades, lawsuits and medical issues that have been linked to Boehringer Ingelheim GmbH’s Pradaxa medication maybe pushing it to the side as new alternatives are introduced.

Johnson & Johnson is planning on submitting its own anticoagulant blood thinning medication – named Xarelto –for approval to treat lung clots and deep vein thrombosis in the U.S. this quarter. The pharma company’s decision is based in part on a recent study that was recently presented at the American College of Cardiology and found the medication could effectively treat the clotting ailments, Businessweek reported.

If approved, Xarelto would compete against Pradaxa to become a replacement for warafin, a blood thinning medication that has been used in hospitals for decades despite its history of side effects.

Pradaxa had been thought by many to be the eventual replacement for warafin after its introduction to the U.S. market in October 2010. However, the anticoagulant drug has been linked to a number of life-threatening bleeding events that has renewed the interest of many health officials regarding whether or not it may be a dangerous drug.

Have you been harmed by a dangerous drug such as Pradaxa? Call Sokolove Law today for a free legal consultation regarding a Pradaxa lawsuit.


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