Privacy Bill of Rights Unveiled by White House

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A set of principles designed to increase the protection of consumers’ online privacy and prevent consumer fraud has been announced by White House representatives.

According to The Hill, the so-called “Privacy Bill of Rights” maps out how Internet companies should handle user data. The White House created the guidelines to assert that consumers have the right to control what information companies collect from them.

“As the Internet evolves, consumer trust is essential for the continued growth of the digital economy," said Obama in a statement. "That’s why an online privacy Bill of Rights is so important…By following this blueprint, companies, consumer advocates and policymakers can help protect consumers and ensure the Internet remains a platform for innovation and economic growth."

Although, the proposed standards would be voluntary, if a company agreed to the guidelines and then violated them, the Federal Trade Commission could file charges against it.

The White House promised to work with Congress to enact the new principles into law.

If you your privacy rights were violated, contact Sokolove Law for a free legal consultation.


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