Prolia May Lead to Adverse Skin Side Effects

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More than 40 serious adverse effects on the skin have been linked to the osteoporosis drug Prolia (denosumab), according to a review of Food and Drug Administration records by investigators.

The records include people experiencing conditions such as skin infections, swelling of the skin, and inflammation. Nine of the patients had to be hospitalized and six incidents involved patients experiencing inflamed blood vessels, according to MedPage Today.

Investigators also found that the reports of serious side effects were limited to dosages of Prolia - 60mg every 6 months - and only a small amount of incidents involved another bone disease drug Xgeva - 120mg every 4 weeks.

"We have no explanation for finding serious adverse events with the 60-mg dose of the drug but not with the 120-mg dose," said Dr. Beatrice Nardone of Northwestern University. "That was very unexpected, because logically, one would think that the higher dose would carry a higher risk of adverse events. This observation should be studied further to see whether an explanation can be found."

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Prolia May Lead to Adverse Skin Side Effects
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