Report Cites Exeter Hospital as Hep C Clinic Opens

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The first clinic in New Hampshire to test people for hepatitis C linked to an outbreak at Exeter Hospital opened last week, just as a new report was released that found the hospital failed to adequately supervise the use of narcotics.

The report by the federal Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services says nurses at the Exeter’s cardiac catheterization laboratory left syringes unattended, according to the Associated Press. The review also found that the medication may have briefly been left unattended while the staff member responsible for it was putting on a lead apron.

The hospital said that it has now changed its policy to place syringes in a secure place, where they will remain when medication is not being administered to patients.

If you were exposed to Hepatitis C at Exeter Hospital, contact Sokolove Law for a free legal consultation and to find out if you have grounds to pursue legal action. For legal help, call (800) 581-6358.
