Stryker’s Stent May Raise Stroke Risk

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The Food and Drug Administration announced that Stryker Corp.’s Wingspan stent may increase the risk of a life threatening event that it was created to prevent: strokes.

The agency conducted a study with 451 patients who recently had a stroke or symptoms of stroke caused by the narrowing of a major brain artery, according to Reuters. The FDA found that the patients who were treated with the brain stent and drugs were 50 percent more likely to experience death and strokes one month after surgery compared to patients who only used drugs.

Public Citizen, a consumer advocacy nonprofit group, deemed the Stryker stent to be a dangerous medical device and called on the FDA to remove the device from the market.

The FDA is currently evaluating the stents by comparing different studies on the medical devices to determine their safety.

If you or a loved one has been harmed by an unsafe medical device, contact Sokolove Law for a free legal consultation and to find out if a product liability lawyer may be able to help you.

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