Study Links BPA to Brain Tumors

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Diabetes, reproductive disorders, obesity, and cancer are some of the serious medical conditions that bisphenol A (BPA) has been linked to in the past. Now a new study adds one more ailment to the list - brain tumors.

A new Chinese study is the first to find a link between human exposure to BPA and brain tumors, according to Mother Jones. The type of tumor is called meningioma. It occurs more frequently in women and is usually benign.

Researchers compared levels of BPA in the urine of 250 adults diagnosed with meningioma and compared the results to those into healthy adults without the condition. They found that the participants with the highest amount of BPA in their urine were 60 percent more likely to have the brain tumor than those with the lowest levels, after adjusting for other factors.

A recent animal study of BPA found that it may affect brain development in ways that may last through several generations.

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