Suit Claims Lap-Band Center May Have Spread Hep C

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Another whistleblower lawsuit has been filed against the California Lap-Band surgical centers associated with the 1-800-GET THIN ad campaign, this time by employees who claim that one of the centers failed to properly sterilize surgical tools contaminated with Hepatitis C.

Hepatitis C is a potentially life-threatening disease that attacks the liver. It is typically passed through contact with contaminated blood. The complaint filed by a former surgical technician and former manager claims that the main machine used by the San Diego clinic to clean surgical tools would often malfunction, according to Southern California Public Radio (SCPR). Last December, a malfunction occurred when eight patients, including one with Hepatitis C, had a surgical procedure. The complaint alleges this event may have led to some patients being exposed to Hepatitis C.

The whistleblower lawsuit also claims that the owners of the clinic would regularly transport drugs and surgical instruments using their personal vehicles between the San Diego clinic and others they owned where they may have been used in other surgeries without being re-sterilized.

The plaintiffs say that they informed their supervisors about the possible Hepatitis C contamination, but the supervisors did nothing to inform local health officials or the potentially infected patients, according to SCPR.

The former workers say they had no choice but to quit their jobs because they did not want to engage in “unsafe patient care.”

An attorney for the surgery centers denied the suit’s allegations.

The clinics were also sued earlier this year for the wrongful death of a woman who underwent a Lap-Band procedure at the center.

If you or a loved one has been harmed by medical malpractice, contact Sokolove Law for a free legal consultation and to find out if a medical malpractice lawyer may be able to help you.
