Twins with Cerebral Palsy Can Dance Following Procedure

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Only months after being bound to wheel chairs because of the cerebral palsy they were diagnosed with at birth, twins Ayley and Chloe Hirsch can not only get around on their own but are taking dancing classes after undergoing a nerve procedure at a St. Louis hospital.

The three-year-old twins, who hail from Angus in the UK, had been unable to walk before undergoing a procedure at St. Louis Children’s Hospital in January that strategically removed nerves connecting certain muscles to the spinal cord in order to reduce the stiffness and rigidity in the legs. To cover medical and travel costs, the Hirsch family raised £175,000 (approximately $277,000), according to the Daily Record.

Regardless of the expenses, Ayley and Chloe’s parents are very happy with the results and hope to see them walk through the gates of their school on the first day of classes next year.

“The fundraising was exhausting and stressful but totally worth it, said Averil, the twins’ mother. “We’re so grateful to everyone who donated – it’s already made such a difference to the girls’ lives.”

Even for families who live in the United States and are closer to a hospital where a medical procedure such as the one that Ayley and Chloe underwent can be performed, the costs associated with such an undertaking can be quite sizable. It is important to know that settlements and monetary awards that are received following birth injury lawsuits can be allocated into special trusts that can only be accessed to pay for expensive medical treatments that a child with a birth injury may have to undergo throughout his or her life.

If you or a loved one has a child with cerebral palsy that may have been caused by medical error, contact Sokolove Law today to learn more about potentially pursuing a birth injury lawsuit.


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