Result of bondholders' meeting

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Reference is made to the summons to a bondholders' meeting in SOFF04 (ISIN NO 0010713548) issued on December 4th 2019.

The bondholders' meeting was held today and the proposed resolution was approved by a qualified majority. Payments under the bond issue will therefore be deferred and suspended until March 31st, 2020. The suspension matches the previously notified suspensions for companies in the SOFF group.

Please see attached the notice from the bondholders' meeting.

Skudeneshavn, December 18th, 2019

Lars Peder Solstad CEO, at +47 91 31 85 85

Anders Hall Jomaas CFO, at +47 40 04 29 18

Solstad Offshore ASA

This information is subject of the disclosure requirements according to the Norwegian Securities Trading Act section § 5-12.


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