Group Harjavalta Oy in Finland chooses Song Networks for supplying its multiservice network

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Group Harjavalta Oy in Finland chooses Song Networks for supplying its multiservice network Song Networks Holding AB's (Stockholmsbörsen: SONW) Finnish subsidiary Song Networks Oy has signed an agreement with Group Harjavalta Oy (Harjavalta-konserni) for the supply of a multiservice network solution. The network solution will connect the Group Harjavalta Oy's 82 offices in Finland. Song's multi service network also provides the company with access to Internet, Voice over IP (VoIP), hosting services and mobile services. With Song Mobile the employees of Group Harjavalta Oy get wireless access to the company's own network and Internet. The agreement extends over 3 years and the value is estimated to be 4-5 MEUR over this period. The Group Harjavalta Oy, founded in 1920, consists of Finland's market leaders Puustelli Group Oy and Kastelli-talot Oy. Puustelli Group Oy manufactures furniture for offices and homes. Puustelli Group has 50 stores in Finland, 5 in Sweden as well as stores in Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland. Kastelli-talot Oy delivers about 1400 single-family houses per year and has been the most purchased single- house brand since 1994 in Finland. "Thanks to the agreement we improve the accessibility of our employees and thus also of our customer service. We will introduce a centralised database of all our products and services. With the multiservice network our sales personnel and customer service will be able to use the database on-line", says Tuomo Aine, CEO, Group Harjavalta Oy. "We are very pleased that the Group Harjavalta Oy chose us for partner to develop their information communication. We believe that Song's multiservice network will make their business activities more efficient", says Ari-Jussi Knaapila, Managing Director, Song Networks Oy. "Song's multiservice network improves Group Harjavalta Oy's customer service and accessibility. This will give the company a clear competitive edge in the market. The right performance in relation to costs and an active dialogue during the tender procedure reassured the customer. We reached a mutual understanding of the improvements needed regarding the present service level", says Sami Vääräniemi, Account Manager, Song Networks Oy. For information: Song Networks Oy Harjavalta Group Oy Ari-Jussi Knaapila, Managing Director Tuomo Aine, CEO Phone: + 358 30 994 2310 Phone: + 358 2 535 6111 Mobile: + 358 50 994 2310 E-mail: ari- Song Networks Oy Sami Vääräniemi, Account Manager Phone: + 358 30 4853 Mobile: + 358 50 994 4853 E-mail: About Song Networks, (Stockholmsbörsen: SONW): Song Networks is a data and telecommunications operator with activities in Sweden, Finland, Norway and Denmark. The Company's business concept is to offer the best broadband solution for data communication, Internet and voice to businesses in the Nordic region. The Company was founded in 1995 in Sweden and has approximately 830 employees. The head office is located in Stockholm and the Company has 21 offices located in the Nordic region. Certain statements contained in this press release contain "forward- looking statements" within the meaning of the U.S. federal securities law. Such statements are based on the current expectations of the management of Song Networks Holding AB only, and performance is subject to risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from these statements. Such risks include, but are not limited to, adverse regulatory, technological or competitive developments; decline in demand for the company's services or products; inability to timely develop, introduce and market new technologies, products and services; pricing pressures resulting from competition; unforeseen construction delays; and the inability to successfully manage systems failures or shutdowns and service interruptions or reduced services to customers. ------------------------------------------------------------ This information was brought to you by Waymaker The following files are available for download: