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The Mineral Processing Laboratory of the Geological Survey of Finland (GTK) has conducted the Mini Pilot metallurgical test work for Sotkamo Silver. This test forms the first phase of metallurgical tests.

GTK is a worldwide leader among mineral and metal-processing laboratories, which provides innovative tailored solutions for a wide variety of customer-needs in the mining industries.

The samples treated represent the head-grades in the production. In the locked cycle test the recovery was 86,7 % for lead and 90,8 % for zinc. The grade in the concentrate was 55 % for lead and 51 % for zinc. The total silver-recovery according to the test was 76,2 % and 90 % for the gold.

According the Geological Survey of Finland the Taivaljärvi ore is in general simple to be concentrated; with simple process and reasonable reagent-consumptions, fair concentrate grades can be yielded with satisfactory recoveries. After experience of the present test work GTK is still considering the earlier engineering study as valid. The earlier study (C/MT/2007/28) is reported by GTK in 2007.

“I am happy that the good results from earlier pre feasibility studies can be obtained and secured through the whole feasibility process. The results of this mini-pilot test confirms my view that the development steps we have taken are correct and that we are going to be successful with our process-planning based on earlier very good results. The ore is simple to be concentrated.” Comments Timo Lindborg, CEO

Summary reports are published on Sotkamo Silvers AB's website: .

(For picture see attached file)

Picture above: Taivaljärvi Process Flow Sheet from GTK report C/MT/2007/28.


Stockholm, May 2, 2011


Timo Lindborg, CEO


About Sotkamo Silver AB:

Sotkamo Silver AB´s business concept is to exploit mineral deposits in the Nordic countries with regard to human society and environment. Sotkamo Silver owns, through its subsidiary mineraldeposits, which contains silver and gold in Finland. The Company’s main development project is the Taivaljärvi Silver Mine.

Sotkamo Silver applies SveMin’s & FinnMin’s respective rules of reporting for public mining & exploration companies. Sotkamo Silver has chosen to report mineral resources and ore reserves according to the internationally accepted JORC or NI 43-101-code. The company applies International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as approved by the European Union.

The shares are traded at the Burgundy market place and NGM Equity in Stockholm.

The ticker symbol is SOSI. ISIN-code for Sotkamo Silver shares is SE0001057910.

Read more about Sotkamo Silver on or www.silver.fI

For further information: Mr. Timo Lindborg, CEO, phone: +46-8-30 49 20
