Overwatch Betting tips and hints

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Overwatch betting is the perfect example of how both sports and online casinos are changing. No longer are casinos and betting shops the preserve of slot machines and physical sports.

Overwatch markets can be found at Space Casino, alongside all the popular sports, online slots, live casino, virtual sports and other esports. It’s a whole galaxy of fun.

Overwatch betting is one of the fastest growing markets in the online casino world, helping to change the face of the industry as a whole. A new world has opened up for customers and gamers alike, one that can be found in the Space Casino galaxy.

The best Overwatch betting sites

Many online casinos are catching on to the possibilities when it comes to Overwatch betting in the UK, although there are still some who are late to the party. Others might provide a market, but it appears as an afterthought, rather than a major market to be exploited. 

With that in mind, we’ve put together a list of the best Overwatch betting sites that we could find, from depth of betting to presentation. If you’re interested in betting on this exciting new market, these are the places that we advise you should start with:


Space Casino

Space Casino is a huge purple pool of fun, the type of place that’s as welcoming as it is easy to navigate. With many online casinos that put a premium on fun, the markets offered are superficial, the website looks flashy but has little substance, making the entire time spent on the site feels draining. This is far from the case with Space Casino, which is why it’s one of our favourites.

There are hundreds of slots, with a wide variety of sports markets and betting within, virtual sports and live casino. So you know this is a site that’s cutting edge as well as deep. But it’s user-friendly in all the right ways, such as pick up and playability and the responsive customer care team.

For esports, there’s always something going on, and Overwatch benefits greatly from this focus. Esports might be a relatively new market, but there is so much potential here. Space Casino understands this and constantly updates the depth of betting and live wagering options, which makes it perfect for Overwatch betting and its many versions.

William Hill

Such is the reputation that William Hill has that it’s easy to forget it began life in the 1960’s, not the 1860’s. And as you might expect from an online casino with such a reputation, it’s a serious site with a serious amount of options within it.

William Hill made its name in sports, particularly Horse Racing, and it remains a premier sports market provider to this day. There are all the other things that you might expect from a major player on the high street as well as the online world, including slots and live casino.

For esports, it’s very much an emerging market, so there is plenty of room for improvement, as is the case for everyone, but it’s a good marker to build upon. Overwatch betting is one of the main focuses, so there was no way we couldn’t add William Hill to this list, if only for its potential.


The old lady of gambling in Britain, Ladbrokes has been around for over 130 years. While that’s impressive in itself, there’s always the risk that this leads to complacency and a lack of innovation. That is far from the case with Ladbrokes. 

Unlike some of its contemporaries, Ladbrokes hasn’t gone down the shrill and flashy route, there are few flashing lights and cartoonish slogans here. There is, however, everything you could want from a trustworthy and hugely depth-filled online casino. This includes sports, live casino, slots and, yes, esports.

Esports is presented in a matter of fact way, which can be a negative or a positive, depending on your taste. We quite like that an online casino takes the market seriously enough to let it thrive alongside sports without an “e”, but some do prefer having some bells and whistles attached. Whatever the case, the Overwatch betting market is one that Ladbrokes has an eye on, as can be seen by its regular options.

Paddy Power

Talking of bells and whistles, if that’s more your style, then Paddy Power could be the place for you. There’s a cartoonish quality to Paddy Power’s marketing as a whole, but the site itself is far from garish and there’s plenty of serious betting to add depth to the entire experience, this isn’t some fly-by-night operation with suspect practices.

Sports is Paddy Power’s main strength, but there are plenty of slots, live casinos and virtuals to get your teeth into as well. It’s also good for promotions and free games if you like that sort of thing. Paddy Power is on the cutting edge side of things, so you always feel there’s something going on.

For esports, Paddy Power is a mixed bag. The market itself is well catered for, so it earns its place on the list on that alone, but it’s well-hidden by comparison, which hints at an attitude to esports that could improve. Overwatch betting, as is the case for most esport casinos, is all present and correct, so Paddy Power is well worth trying, and we suspect improvements will soon be on the way.

Bet 365

Bet 365 was launched in the year 2000, in a year when there was certainly something futuristic in the air. Many online casinos came and went during this time, but Bet 365 thrived where so many failed, and there are many good reasons for this.

The site still feels modern, but it avoids crowding the screen with unnecessary, attention seeking content. At no point do you feel harassed or rushed, a mistake so many still make today. Sports are very well catered for, but there are plenty of other markets, such as slots, that you can delve into at your heart’s content. 

For esports, though, Bet 365 have clearly put a lot of attention and love into it. Unlike many of its contemporaries, Bet 365 understands the potential here and that’s noticeable from the off. That’s not to say that others are catching up fast to what a market like Overwatch betting can bring to an online casino, it’s just that Bet 365 has something of a headstart over many.


What is Overwatch betting?

So we know where to go for Overwatch betting, but what exactly is the game? It’s an esport, granted, but what does that mean? How does it work? Let’s start with the basics.

What are esports?

Esports stands for electronic sports, although that doesn’t really describe much. The name likely mimics the “e” in email (electronic mail), but describes something more diverse.

Esports can include games that are based on actual sports, such as the EA Sports ubiquitous series of football games, but the sports part of esports doesn’t necessarily describe sports games. Instead, tit’s a whole new world of games that can range from Rocket League (driving cars into a huge ball to score goals in a futuristic arena) to arena games, and that’s where Overwatch comes in.

What is Overwatch?

Overwatch was a groundbreaking game when it was first released in what seems like a very long time ago now, 2016. The games industry moves quickly, not least because it’s a place where you either innovate or die. As technology moves on at a pace, so does gaming, so 2016 really is seen as a previous generation in many ways. You certainly need something else to remain so popular and that something is gameplay.

In short, Overwatch is the perfect esport due to the fact it’s highly skill-based and ridiculously popular. Others have tried to copy it, but few have found anything like its success. It manages to combine two types of games, FPS and MOBA. FPS stands for First Person Shooter, which means you play in first person with … well a shooter (it’s not always what you’d call a gun). Then there is MOBA.

MOBA stands for Multiplayer Online Battle Arena, and it’s one of the most popular genres in all of gaming. If you get the design of this type of game right, not only will it become hugely popular, it will lend itself perfectly to the gambling industry.

Betting on Overwatch

Without going too far into the ins and outs of the game, which could be turned into an instruction manual that would make a rocket scientist dizzy, there are different versions. Battle arenas are essentially a free for all (often in teams) where you need to meet certain objectives. Kill the other team, defend your territory and so on. 

This lends itself to a huge amount of betting options, but the most popular are to bet on specific players or teams. There are many tournaments to choose from and include leagues and even World Cups. 

While this might all seem a little overwhelming at first, it’s a lot more intuitive than it sounds. The best game designers understand this, which is why games such as this become popular. The depth may be great, but you can pick up and play and get a decent grasp of it all instantly.

The future of Overwatch for online casinos

Overwatch betting might turn out to be a relatively short market or a mainstay for decades to come. It’s impossible to tell. The fact that its gambling market is still growing at a pace, however, suggests it’s going nowhere for the time being and innovation can happen at any time.

For example, as of the time of writing, Overwatch 2 has just been released, with a huge array of updated gameplay and, of course, graphical power in the PS5 era. Will it launch the game into another orbit or will the original game, with its already bedded in leagues and tournaments win out?

There’s always a chance that a new pretender will come along to take the mantle, especially in this new generation of gaming, but for now, Overwatch is one of a handful of games that is propelling esports into the mainstream.




