The safest online casinos in NZ

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If you’re searching for the safest online casinos in NZ then you’re probably fairly new to the online casino world. It can be a daunting place to first step foot in, especially where handing over your financial and personal details are concerned. So we’re here to help.

One of the safest places online can be found at Space Casino, and it helps that there are hundreds of pokies and sports markets to choose from. 

The good news is there are plenty of options when looking for the safest online casinos in NZ, and we’re here to help know what to look for and what to avoid.

Listing the safest online casinos in New Zealand

There are many things to consider when looking into what makes a safest online casino in NZ list. While we’ll go into more details later, suffice to say that we’ve also listed some of our favourites for other reasons, which we will describe below.

Space Casino

One of the best ways to tell if an online casino is trustworthy is by the level of customer service they offer, more on that later. With this in mind, you can judge Space Casino as one of the safest online casinos in NZ by the fact that they offer 24/7 help with their hugely-respected customer service team.

We also just love the sense of fun, mixed with a depth of markets, not to mention the depth of each specific market, that this wonderful purple and yellow space offers. If you’re looking for a place to start, or just something new, refreshing and of high quality, then we recommend Space Casino without reservation.

Bit Starz

Bit Starz has built a reputation for fairness and trustworthiness over the last few years, and that’s for good reason. While the site isn’t flashy, it provides a sense of fun without overdoing it, which is great to see.

Bit Starz has two selling points apart from being a safe online casino in NZ. Firstly, there’s the games, and plenty of them. You certainly will not be lost for new games to discover here. There’s also the availability of Bitcoin, which is what makes Bit Starz so unique in the online casino world.


The most noticeable part of the Vavada design is what happens at the bottom of the page. It’s a very small thing, but it describes the site perfectly, the “more games tab”. The reason being is that there are so many games here that it feels almost endless!

It’s a simple site, otherwise, offering an easy to navigate design that might appear shallow to some. There are some flashing lights and plenty of colour here, but there’s no doubt that most of this comes from the games. In truth, that’s how we like it, apart from anything else, it feels more trustworthy. 

Bet Victor

To mix it up a little, the Bet Victor set up is directed heavily towards sports, which sets it apart from most of the others on this list. That’s not to say there are no games and other entertainment to find here, just that there’s a wonderful sports market if that’s your main focus.

Bet Victor is also one of the online casinos that has carved out a reputation to match the old, bricks and mortar casinos. There’s a classic feel to the whole thing, which is partly due to the fact it feels like an old friend when compared to some of its more flashy competitors, and it’s well-worth that trust.

Combo Slots

If it’s uniqueness that you’re looking for, then you would be hard-pressed to find somewhere as striking as Combo Slots. This is part online casino and art gallery, with a Liechtenstein style that we just adore.

But style doesn’t necessarily add up to substance, or even trustworthiness. Thankfully, Combo Slots has both of these things in spades. Well worth a look if you’re interested in something different.

What describes a safe online casino in NZ

Firstly, it’s probably prudent to describe what makes up a safe online casino in New Zealand, as this can mean different things to different people. We’re talking about the absolute basics here, security, whether the casino takes the protection of your data and financial details seriously.

Secondly, is the site itself genuine? You don’t want to be giving your details to an untrustworthy business, as is the case for any online transaction.

There’s also how the site is run. You can generally get a feel for the place and whether it’s run to fleece customers or to provide a place of entertainment, which should be the purpose of both the casino and the customer.

These are the first online casino tests for any search relating to what could be considered the safest online casinos in New Zealand. Thankfully there are plenty of options around.

Red flags when looking for the safest online casinos in NZ

Most of what constitutes a red flag with online casinos is common sense. Don’t click on links to sites from suspect sources, research the site, including if .com isn’t the only ending of the URL and not handing your money over until you’ve looked into it.

Thankfully, the vast majority of online casinos are perfectly safe and trustworthy, so you need not fret once you have found your favourite place.

Where to look for answers relating to safest online casino NZ

There are plenty of places you can research any given safe online casino in NZ. The first and most obvious would be a simple online search. Online casinos are, as the name suggests, online, so all marketing can be found there without much trouble.

From here you can read the reviews of the other customers as well as see how ubiquitous the online casino is. If there is only one site that mentions it and the reviews are either telling you to avoid or are untrustworthy, avoid the casino.

Once you have your sites set on a specific place, you can always ask the customer experience team some questions relating to your security, which they should be able to answer fully and in a timely manner.


How safe are online money transfers?

If you’re new to online money transfers then you’ve probably got some pertinent questions about how the process works. After all, not everyone was happy to get on board the ecommerce revolution of the 21st century when it first appeared.

Firstly, money transfers, when using the right apps and platforms, are very safe. As a process, it’s been around for a few decades at this point and the security aspects of it have been very well established.

Everything from clothes shopping to supermarkets, banks and even small independent stores couldn’t exist nowadays without a safe and well managed digital money transfer system.

For online casinos, this is also very much the case. The convenience and speed at which it works is what gives online casinos the opportunity to thrive, so there’s a very focused motivation for each online casino to ensure that what they offer is safe.

In short, most can be considered the safest online casinos in NZ due to the technology that has been developed over the last few decades and we are all benefiting from that to this day.

Can I deposit and withdraw however I like?

Yes and no. Let us explain. Withdrawing your funds is always allowed unless there is some kind of dispute over a previous bet or some other issue. The withdrawing of funds should be speedy and responsive, so if you are having issues with this aspect, speak to the customer experience team, who would usually be happy to assist. 

The only possible consequence might relate to bonuses and offers, if withdrawing without wagering goes against the terms and conditions of these offer.

Depositing and wagering, however, might have some restrictions. These are usually related to responsible gambling rules, whether placed by the casino or you. Responsible gambling is at the heart of what makes the safest online casinos in New Zealand trusted and the entire industry is well-regulated to ensure your safety when using any online casino.

Therefore, any online casino test should include the options available for you to be able to monitor both your time on the site, as well as how much you are spending within any given period.

If you are at all concerned about your gambling habits, speak to the customer service team to see which measures you can put in place. You should also speak to the many responsible gambling charities that offer counselling services and handy tools for you to remain safe.

Online casinos are great places to enjoy what the market can offer, as long as it’s played responsibly. By ensuring that your use of an online casino is safe and you’ve managed to do a little research on the site you’re using, you too can enjoy the safest online casinos in NZ.
