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The Supervisory Board of SpareBank 1 Nord-Norge has at their Annual General Meeting 17 March 2010 made the following resolution:



1.      The proposed annual accounts and the proposed annual report for 2009 for the Parent Bank and for the Group are approved.


2.      The cash dividend for 2009 per equity certificate (EC) shall be NOK 6.,75, totalling NOK 120,906,493.  


Dividend will be paid to registered EC-holders as at 17 March 2010. The ECCs will be quoted ex-dividend 18 March 2010.


3.      NOK 127,238,977 is set aside for the Dividend Equalisation Fund.


4.      NOK 229,107,959  is set aside as dividend to the Bank's self-owned capital with the following allocation:


·      Bank's Donations Fund recognised in the balance sheet

NOK    68,604,222

·      Cultural Business Development Foundation (under establishment)

NOK  100,000,000

·      Savings Bank Foundation (equity foundation) or similar foundation, the object of which is to be a long-term owner of SpareBank 1 Nord-Norge (under establishment)

NOK    30,503,737

·      Donations (controlled by the regional Boards of Directors/ Chief Executive Officer)

NOK    30,000,000


The Main Board of Directors is granted authority to perform the necessary transactions and grant the necessary authorities to carry out this item.


5.  The Main Board of Directors is granted the authority to make payments from the Bank's Donations Fund recognised in the balance sheet in accordance with the rules and guidelines in force at any given time for the awarding of donations.


6.  The Bank allocates NOK 241,107,501 to the Savings Bank's Fund.


7.  It was made note of. the formulation of the Bank's dividend policy that was      presented.



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