Meeting of the Supervisory Board 10 March 2009

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Meeting of the Supervisory Board
A meeting of the Supervisory Board is hereby convened for
Tuesday 10 March 2009 at 13 p.m.
at SpareBank 1 Nord-Norge, Tromsø
  1/2009           Approval of positions held in other credit institutions
  2/2009           Annual Report and Accounts for 2008
  3/2009           The Donations Fund
  4/2009           Auditor's fees for 2008
  5/2009           The Control Committee's Report for 2008
  6/2009           Purchase/mortgaging of the Bank's own Primary Capital Certificates (PCC)
  7/2009           New subordinated debt -  governmental credit measures
  8/2009           Guidelines for executives' compensation
For and on behalf of
SpareBank 1 Nord-Norge
Jan-Hugo Sørensen                                                                 Hans Olav Karde
Chairman of the Supervisory Board                                         Chief Executive Officer