Notice of meeting concerning the election of representatives to SpareBank 1 Nord-Norge's Supervisory Board

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Tromsø,  4 February 2010



The election of representatives to SpareBank 1 Nord-Norge's Supervisory Board will be held on


Thursday 18 February 2010 at 11 a.m.

at SpareBank 1 Nord-Norge's Main Office, 3rd floor, Storgt. 65, Tromsø.


The holders of primary capital certificates have in the previous election elected 16 representatives and 8 deputy representatives to the Supervisory Board.


Pursuant to the Regulations concerning Primary Capital Certificates in Savings Banks, one quarter of the representatives, drawn by lot, leave office each of the first three years, and thereafter those members with the longest period of service leave office every year.  


This year four representatives are to be elected.  The election period is 4 years. The election meeting shall also elect two members and one deputy member of the election committee.  The period of the election committee is 2 years.  Enclosed you will find the list of the recommended candidates.


Those entitled to vote are the holders of primary capital certificates that are registered in the Norwegian Registry of Securities (Verdipapirsentralen). Each primary capital certificate carries one vote.


Owners of primary capital certificates who wish to attend and vote, must complete and return the enclosed Attendance Form. Owners who wish to be represented by proxy are requested to complete and return the enclosed Form of Proxy. Both forms must be registered as received by the Bank administration by Monday 15 February 2010 at 3 p.m.



No fee/travel allowance is payable for participation at the election meeting.



Yours faithfully,



SpareBank 1 Nord-Norge

Jan-Hugo Sørensen (sign.)                                                    

                                                            Chairman of the Supervisory Board                                      



                                    Hans OlavKarde

                                    Chief Executive Officer

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