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At its meeting on 25 March 2010, the Supervisory Board of SpareBank 1 SR-Bank dealt with the annual statements and passed the following resolution:

"The Supervisory Board adopts the income statement and balance sheet for 2009 for SpareBank 1 SR-Bank and SpareBank 1 SR-Bank group, including year-end appropriations and the application of the profit in accordance with the proposal of the Board of Directors.


Parent company's profit after tax


942 million

To reserve for evaluation differences


59 million

Available for distribution


883 million

Dividend (NOK 1.75 per equity capital certificate)


212 million

To dividend equalisation reserve


293 million

To Savings bank's fund


220 million

To Endowment fund


158 million



883 million"

The cash dividend to be distributed for 2009 was set at NOK 1.75 per equity capital certificate. Dividend will be paid to those equity capital certificate holders who are registered as owners as at 25 March 2010.

The bank's equity capital certificates will be quoted ex-dividend with effect from 26 March 2010.

Dividends will be paid on or about 7 April 2010.    

Other resolutions:


Authority to acquire and have liens/charges on own equity capital certificates  

The Board was authorised to acquire and to arrange liens/charges on own equity capital certificates for a total nominal value of NOK 300 million. The aggregate holding of own equity capital certificates that the bank owns and/or has a consensual charge agreement on may not exceed 10 per cent of the bank's equity share capital. The authority is valid for one year from the date it is registered in Register of Business Enterprises.

Authority for private placement with the employees

The Board was authorised to carry out a private placement of equity capital certificates among the employees with a maximum subscription of NOK 30,000 per employee.  The issue will be carried with a discount of up to 20 per cent compared with the market price. The equity share capital can be increased by up to NOK 25 million.

Amendments to the Articles of Association:

New Article 3-5:

"Article 3-5 Distribution of documents that are published on the savings bank's web sites


"When documents that relate to issues to that are to be dealt with by the Supervisory Board are made available on the savings bank's web sites, the legal requirements that the documents shall be distributed to the Supervisory Board's members or others who by law shall  receive such documents shall not apply. This applies also to documents which according to law shall be included in or appended to notice of the Supervisory Board's meeting, including the savings bank's annual report. A member of the Supervisory Board or others who according to law shall receive such documents may, nevertheless, demand that such documents be sent to him or her."    

Article 5.1, 3rd sub-section, final sentence of the Articles of Association is amended from:

"Two deputies shall be elected for members elected by the Supervisory Board. The first deputy shall regularly attend meetings and have the right to speak"



"Two deputies shall be elected for members elected by the Supervisory Board."


Supervisory Board:

Svein Kjetil Søyland was re-elected as Chairman for a period of 1 year

Magne Vathne was re-elected as deputy member for a period of 1 year

Board of Directors:

Kristian Eidesvik was re-elected as Chairman of the Board for a period of 2 years

The following were re-elected to the Board for a period of 2 years:  

Erik Edvard Tønnesen, Birthe C. Jørgensen and Tor Magne Lønnum

Erling Øverland was elected a new Board member for a period of 1 year

Mari Rege was elected as new 1st deputy member for a period of 1 year

Kristine Tveteraas was re-elected as 2nd deputy member for a period of 1 year

Audit Committee:

The following were re-elected as members for a period of 2 years:

Odd Broshaug, Egil Fjogstad and Siv Gausdal Eriksen

Sølvi L. Nordtveit was re-elected as 1st deputy member for a period of 2 years

Nomination Committee:

Arne Madland was re-elected as member for a period of 2 years

Helge Leiro Baastad was elected as new member for a period of 2 years

Alfred Ydstebø was elected as observer for a period of 1 year


Board of Directors:

Remuneration to the Chairman of the Board was raised by NOK 30,000 to NOK 330,000

Remuneration to the 1st deputy member is set at NOK 25,000 per year, plus NOK 10,000 per meeting

Audit Committee:

Remuneration is set at NOK 4,000 per meeting for the Chairman and members and NOK 10,000 per year for members.


Other fees and remunerations are unchanged.

Stavanger, 25 March 2010

Questions should be submitted to:

  • Inge Reinertsen, Group Director Economy & Finance
    Telephone + 47 90 99 50 33 or  
  • Kyrre M. Knudsen , Manager IR
    Telephone + 47 93 88 35 18

This information is subject of the disclosure requirements acc. to §5-12 vphl (Norwegian Securities Trading Act)
