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The book in SpareBank 1 SR-Bank's 10NC5 Tier 2 is closed.  Orders of NOK 750 millions, further order is not possible. The nominal of the bond will be NOK 750 millions. Initial accrual date is 2 December 2011 with a coupon of 3 month nibor + 350.

"This Tier 2 capital, together with the recent issued Tier 1 equity capital, strengthens the bank's credit quality. It enhances the bank's ability to raise funding at favourable conditions in both the domestic as well as in the international market" says CFO Inge Reinertsen.

Arrangers are SpareBank 1SR-Markets, SEB Merchant Banking and First Securities AS/Swedbank Markets.

Contact at SpareBank 1 SR-Bank:

Vidar Torsøe, Vice President Investor Relations, + 970 80 656

Dag A. Hjelle, Head of Treasury, + 47 909 50 088

This information is subject of the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.
