Patent for treatment consumable approved in Canada

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The Canadian Patent Office has granted a patent for a consumable used in conjunction with SpectraCure's technology for the treatment of prostate cancer with photodynamic therapy (PDT). The sterile disposable item consists of a combined insertion needle and optical fibre, used to deliver the laser light to the cancer tumour inside the body.

– It is strategically important to have good patent protection for this technology, says SpectraCure's CEO Masoud Khayyami. Disposable items are part of SpectraCure's business model to sell treatment packages for each patient, rather than selling the laser instrument only.

The patent means that only SpectraCure's sterile disposable fibres can be used in the treatment. It allows SpectraCure to have full control over usage and payment of the treatment method.

The patent has previously been granted in the EU and China.

For further information, contact:
SpectraCure AB publ, CEO, Masoud Khayyami, phone: +46(0) 70 815 21 90

SpectraCure in short

SpectraCure was founded in 2003 as a spin off from Lund University departments for medical laser applications and physics. The company focuses on cancer treatments using medical systems with laser light sources and reactive drugs, which is referred to as "Interstitial Photodynamic Therapy", PDT, a treatment methodology suitable for internal solid tumours of various kind, e.g. prostate and abdominal salivary glands, but also other indications such as cancer of the head and neck.


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