15% of Brits prefer to go private when arranging holiday accommodation

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New research* from Holiday Let Mortgages – the mortgage specialists – has revealed that 15% of holidaymakers shun hotels and holiday packages, preferring only stay in privately rented properties.

The study also revealed that:

  • “freedom” is the main reason why people tend to choose rent privately owned properties - 33% said this was the most important reason (more than double the 14% who cited the cost as the main consideration);
  • female holidaymakers were almost as more than twice as likely than their male counterparts to stay in private property (24% vs. 13%);
  • the most prolific private renters, age-wise, are in the 18-29 age band (33%), then those in the 50-59 age bracket (15%).

When asked: “When you go on holiday, no matter what your accommodation choice, location-wise, where do you prefer to stay?” the survey highlighted how:

  • 49% of people choose accommodation near a beach;
  • 18% prefer a combined city / beach holiday (eg. Barcelona in Spain, Nice in France etc);
  • just 8% prefer to get away from it all and stay somewhere rural.

The poll also asked: “When choosing your accommodation, what is the most important thing you require?”

  • 58% said an ensuite room or one with private bathroom facilities;
  • 21% of respondents said air conditioning;
  • 18% of holidaymakers require a balcony or terrace.


*Carried out on behalf of Holiday Let Mortgages by Usurv, September 2013


Norman Phillips, Director, Holiday Let Mortgages on: 020 8301 7931, email: press@holidayletmortgages.co.uk

About Holiday Let Mortgages:

We provide specialist mortgage advice for UK holiday let mortgages, holiday home mortgages, second home mortgages and development finance. Our dedicated advisers have the broadest knowledge of mortgages for UK holiday let properties and we have several exclusive mortgage schemes which are not available elsewhere.

Due to our expertise we are often approached by other advisers and developers who are not so familiar with the various holiday home finance options.


Quick facts

The survey asked: “When choosing your accommodation, what is the most important thing you require?” • 58% said an ensuite room or one with private bathroom facilities; • 21% of respondents said air conditioning; • 18% of holidaymakers require a balcony or terrace.
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When asked: “When you go on holiday, no matter what your accommodation choice, location-wise, where do you prefer to stay?” the survey highlighted how: • 49% of people choose accommodation near a beach; • 18% prefer a combined city / beach holiday (eg. Barcelona in Spain, Nice in France etc); • just 8% prefer to get away from it all and stay somewhere rural.
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