Using a professional to help you maximise your social media strategy

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Jason Hulott from internet marketing specialists Speedie Consultants has just qualified as a HootSuite Certified Professional – a prestigious qualification which means he can help businesses make the most of their social media, enhancing their online communications and boosting their marketing strategy.

Jason says: “I have been training businesses for several years now in social media marketing. Having gained this qualification is further vindication of my expertise in this area of internet marketing and it now means that I can share my HootSuite knowledge with others and help enhance their business”.

He adds that HootSuite is a “fantastic, time-saving and cost-effective tool” that has many business benefits including allowing you to:

  • manage Linkedin, Twitter, and Facebook all from one place;
  • post messages to all the social media platforms at the same time;
  • schedule posts in the future to help be consistent with your marketing;
  • search and bring back results in real time about what people are saying in your industry, or town, or even saying about you and your business.

Jason summarises: “With small business owners having many constraints, social media is just another one of those ‘must do’ things.  Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn are all great tools to drive business and interest in their products and services but who has the time?

“Thankfully, tools such as Hootsuite allow business owners to set up a dashboard of all their activity and manage multiple accounts across multiple social media platforms in one place. This frees up a huge amount of time to take more advantage of the opportunities that will present themselves. 

“We are offering businesses the opportunity to find out more about Hootsuite and how it can manage their business social media activities. Simply email to book your slot."

Visit for more information. To see Jason’s profile on HootSuite, please visit:


Jason Hulott, Speedie Consulting, on: 01843 831088 or email:

About Speedie Consultants 

Speedie Consultants was established in 2003 by Jason and Stella Hulott, which sees them offering over 45 years’ combined experience in the internet marketing and copywriting industries. Speedie Consultants Limited offers many solutions for businesses’ internet marketing needs including the provision of web content; article marketing; natural link building; videos; social media marketing; mini-sites; blog set up and marketing; press release syndication; affiliate programme set up and management; and consultancy.


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