Leaders for Life comes to Bristol
Following the success of Sports Leaders UK’s first National Convention last year, the charity has opted to host 11 Leaders for Life Conventions in 2010, including an event in Bristol. The convention, which has been organised by Sports Leaders for Sports Leaders1, will take place at Bristol City Football Club on Tuesday 23 November. The event will focus on employment, volunteering, education and further training opportunities, and on Continuing Professional Development (CPD). Around 100 Sports Leaders aged 16 and over will attend, including young people from schools, colleges, community groups, Sports Leaders UK Outreach Centres and NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training) projects. Invites have also been sent to StreetGames, the Youth Sports Trust and the Second Chance Project. Attendees will have the opportunity to get involved in workshops, run by Accenture and SkillsActive, where they can learn skills that will enhance their employability. Plus, potential employers and partners from the public sector, volunteer services, local authorities, County Sports Partnerships, National Governing Bodies of sport (NGBs), universities and colleges, and the fitness and leisure sector, will be exhibiting. The convention will culminate in a Dragon’s Den-style competition for the best Sports Leaders UK centre project or initiative, and prizes will be awarded to the winning centre. Chief Executive of Sports Leaders UK, Linda Plowright said: “The Leaders for Life conventions enable Sports Leaders from across the UK to benefit from the further information and opportunities that are available beyond their sports leadership awards and qualifications. And I am pleased that Bristol has been selected as the location for the South West event. “This year’s conventions were organised by local Sports Leaders, who used the skills they have gained through their sports leadership qualifications to plan and manage each event.” 1 A Sports Leader is anyone that has gained a Sports Leaders UK award or qualification. They organise, communicate and get people involved in sports activities. Sports Leaders are role models; helping others to achieve their goals and encouraging their communities to lead fit and healthy lifestyles. Photo Call: Date: Tuesday 23 November Time: 3.30pm Venue: Bristol City Football Club Photo opportunity: Local MP's and VIPs will be joining the Sports Leaders to celebrate the success of the event. Note to editors: Sports Leaders UK is a charity delivering sports leadership awards and qualifications to more than 200,000 people a year, through 4,000 schools, colleges, local authorities, prisons and young offender units. It acts as an Awarding Body providing nationally recognised qualifications, and has a Foundation to deliver free or subsidised courses in areas of greatest need. Sports Leaders UK Anne Compton, Public Relations T: 01908 689212 E: media@sportsleaders.org