Summer sports events are storming success

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More than 80 young people raced to the beach this summer to take part in activities led by Sports Leaders at thecentre:mk. The indoor beach at thecentre:mk has been a popular destination for families taking “staycations” this summer. Sports Leaders UK, in partnership with Make a Difference took eight of its Milton Keynes based Sports Leaders to the beach, where they led sport and activity sessions for young people. Sports Leaders aged 14 to 17 volunteered to lead the events, which were free for children of all ages to attend and easy for them to get involved in. The young people that led activities are qualified Sports Leaders who have gained a nationally recognised qualification through Sports Leaders UK and are now working towards further opportunities in education, volunteering and employment. Sports Leaders UK’s Project Officer for the South East, Sara Stanbridge said: “The sports and activity sessions were a huge success and I am very proud of the Sports Leaders that worked hard to get so many children involved.” Sports Leader, Ammie said: “The children absolutely loved it, they were having a brilliant time and it was great to see them making new friends and enjoying sport in this way. The Level 1 Award in Sports Leadership that I gained through Make a Difference has really helped to develop my organisation and communication skills, all of which enabled me to successfully get the community involved in these activities.” Sport and Leisure Manager at Make a Difference, Stuart White said: “Make a Difference inspires young people to make a difference to their lives and the lives of others. These events helped to bring children in Milton Keynes together, teaching them the values of teamwork, leadership and keeping fit and healthy.” Melanie Beck, Advertising and Communications Manager at thecentre:mk commented on the events: “The 2012 Olympics are only two years away and Britain is quite rightly going sports crazy. Children are constantly being encouraged to try sport and increase physical exercise and we thought the use of the beach was too good of an opportunity to pass up. “thecentre:mk was therefore proud to work with Sports Leaders UK promoting physical exercise and along with the MK Dons, who delivered football skills sessions through the remainder of the summer, hundreds of children have participated in organised sports sessions on the indoor beach.” For further information about Sports Leaders UK visit Note to editors: Sports Leaders UK is a charity delivering sports leadership awards and qualifications to more than 200,000 people a year, through 4,000 schools, colleges, local authorities, prisons and young offender units. It acts as an Awarding Body providing nationally recognised qualifications, and has a Foundation to deliver free or subsidised courses in areas of greatest need. Sports Leaders UK Anne Compton, Public Relations T: 01908 689212 E:



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