Technical News 5/24 – Spotlight Stock Market will launch ETP segment

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A new segment will be introduced under Spotlight’s MIC: XSAT. The new segment will be used for trading in Exchange Traded Products, ETPs. The test environment (INET Test NTF) has been updated with the segment and a test instrument has been created. The new segment will be added in INET production on June 10th, 2024. 

A separate Technical News and Market News will be published when the first ETP is added in the production environment. 

Below is a copy of information submitted by Nasdaq through an IT Notice: 

New segment for Spotlight Stock Market 1(MIC XSAT) will be launched in INET Nordic system. 

New INET Market Segment will be created under Spotlight (XSAT) market. 

The instruments listed on the new segment will be bilaterally cleared and settled at Euroclear Sweden (VPC) in Sweden. New trading schedule will be created for this Market Segment in order to reflect the trading hours applicable. An existing holiday calendar for the Sweden marketplace will be used. The new Market Segments will be activated in INET production as of June 10, 2024. 

Changes in trading and market data systems 

INET NTF and GCF-TIP TST4 identifiers for the new INET Segment available below. 


New Market Segment will be introduced according to the details below:  

   Market  INET NTF Market Segment Name  MIC  Symbol  NTF Seq  GCF TST4 ID 
Spotlight Stock Market  Spotlight Sweden Tracker Certificates  XSAT  SPSE TRA  291  4466200 

Population List INET NTF identifiers: 

INET Turnover /List Population name  INET Turnover List Code  INET NTF Turnover List ID  INET NTF Population List ID 
SPSE Tracker Certificates  SPSMTC  124674  H124674 

Production IDs will be announced separately. 

Trading schedule: 

Pre Open  Opening Auction  Continuous Trading  Post Trade  Closed 
08:00  08:45:00-9:00:30  09:00:30-17:30:00  17:30:00  18:00:00 

Same (regular) trading schedule will be used on half trading days. 

Protocol specifications 

There are no changes in INET functionalities or in any trading or market data related protocols. Reference data will be available via GCF-TIP, and existing INET protocols are used for all inbound and outbound messaging. Current versions of INET protocol specifications are available at the Nasdaq Nordic Technical Information website under INET Nordic Protocol Specifications

Market Data access  

Spotlight segment data will be included in INET ITCH TCP and multicast data feeds. Spotlight exchange market segment will also be available in filtered TotalView-ITCH TCP product: Stockholm Warrants. 

All existing Genium Consolidated Feed (GCF) accounts that are setup with Spotlight exchange data will by default have the data added on GCF Production and Test accounts. New market segment will be added to existing reference data and closing TIP-data files that are made available on File Delivery Service (FDS) 

If a Nordic Equity market data customer requires Spotlight exchange to be added to one or more accounts in Genium Consolidated Feed (GCF) please contact:  

Time schedule  

  • INET Test (NTF) and GCF TST4 – Available 

  • INET and GCF Production –  June 10, 2024  

Technical support 

For technical questions, please contact Nasdaq Cash Equity Operations: 

Nasdaq Cash Equity Operations 
Tel: +46 8 405 6410 

For all other questions, please contact Spotlight:  

Spotlight Trading Operations 

Tel: +46 8-511 68 000  


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