Welcome Amido

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Opening of the market and celebrating first day of trading for Amido, the first company from Spotlight’s Go Public segment to become listed - welcome!

Amido joined Go Public in May 2019 and are half way through the program but the strategic decision to list Amido was already made when they joined Go Public.

“We had previous experience from being a listed company. However, what we liked with Go Public was that it would give us visibility and show our shareowners that we would go through with what we previously communicated - to become listed.”
Johnny Berlic, CEO Amido

Amido is a technology company that specializes in the development of passage systems. The technology is based on an in-house developed web platform and in addition to the main business, administration services for third-party suppliers are also offered. The company was founded in 2008 and is headquartered in Gothenburg.

“We are happy to have been a part of Amidos journey from Go Public until today when they become a listed company, we are looking forward to follow their growth forward” Peter Gönczi, CEO Spotlight.

Press contact
Jenny Sondal, CMO Spotlight
+46 70 7749303

08-511 68 000


Spotlight is the marketplace where investors and growth companies meet. At Spotlight it is easier and safer for companies to be listed. We offer a overall solution that increase the visibility for our companies through unique media collaborations. Investors get through Spotlight the opportunity to become shareholders in more than 170 growth companies from different businesses and countries, among those are Freetrailer, Bahnhof and Synthetic MR.





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