The eclipse group donation program has equipped children in India with shoes and clothes
Nothern India. The eclipse group donation program, which includes the property developer company Systemhus, has been active in a village in India the day before Christmas. The program representatives met children in the village and supported them with shoes and clothes. The need for non-profit support efforts in the global local community is extensive and entrepreneurs working on realizing business ideas are often very well aware of the human beings’ primary needs, such as food, clothes and a place to sleep.
The program was started as a will to support vulnerable people and to contribute to the development of the global society, something that has been concretized by this distribution of shoes and clothes.
- In a time of major transformation, it feels good to able to provide some of the children in the world with shoes and clothes for Christmas through the eclipse group donation program. Our ambition is to develop this program in the future, says Thony Norelli, eclipse assets.
We are building tomorrow's corporate business! Our investments are usually in startups in fine tech, apps and real estate. This way we have good returns and secure investments. The company also acquires and manages own property projects. To know more, please visit