SRV GROUP INTERIM REPORT 1 January - 30 September 2007:

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SRV GROUP PLC   STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE      November 13th, 2007,8.30 a.m. EET   

SRV GROUP INTERIM REPORT 1 January - 30 September 2007:                         

- SRV's revenue in the review period January-September 2007 grew by 22.8 per    
cent to EUR 395.9 million (322.3 million in January-September 2006)             
- Operating profit grew by 39.9 per cent to EUR 18.0 million (12.8 million)     
- Net profit for the review period January - September 2007  was EUR 12.8       
million (7.6 million)                                                           
- Order backlog grew to EUR 546.3 million (447.7 million)                       
- Return on investment was 15.4 per cent (12.1 %) and return on equity 15.2 per 
cent (19.3 %)                                                                   
- Equity ratio was 60.9 per cent (30.6 %)                                       
- Earnings per share grew by 44.3 per cent and  amounted to EUR 0.39 (EUR 0.27) 

The interim condensed consolidated financial statement information has been     
prepared in accordance with the accounting policies set out in the IAS 34       
standard, and the information disclosed is unaudited.                           

“The positive development of SRV's revenue and profitability has continued. Our 
order backlog has reached a record high level with improved margins. Company's  
strong position as a builder of business premises has further strengthened.     
Business operations in our strategic fields of growth had an average growth of  
31 per cent in housing construction and 20 per cent in international operations 
from the reference period in 2006.  The initial public offering and share issue 
support the development of our business operations in the long term. SRV Group's
revenue and operating profit in 2007 are expected to surpass the previous year's
level”, says Eero Heliövaara, President and CEO of SRV.                         

SRV Group's revenue grew in the review period by 22.8 per cent amounting to EUR 
395.9 million (322.3 million in January-September 2006). 91 per cent (91 %) of  
SRV's revenue came from Finland and 9 per cent (9%) from Russia and the Baltic  

Revenue in the Business Premises business area grew by 16.3 per cent to EUR     
242.2 million (208.3 million).  Revenue in the Housing business area grew by    
31.1 per cent to EUR 119.6 million (91.2 million) as the developer contracting  
projects progressed as planned. Revenue in the International business area grew 
by 20 per cent to EUR 34.4 million (28.7 million).                              

SRV's operating profit was EUR 18.0 million (12.8 million) and net profit for   
the review period EUR 12.6 million (7.6 million). The operating profit margin   
was 4.5 per cent (4.0%).  Operating profit grew in the Housing business area The
operating profit in Business Premises declined to EUR 13.3 million, while the   
operating profit for the reference period (EUR 14.1 million) included ca. EUR 10
million margin from the sales of Kamppi offices and shopping centre. The        
operating result improved in the International business area, but showed a loss.
Construction and housing sales in Estonia decreased. There are developer        
contracting projects under construction in Russia, which will be recognised when
the projects are sold.                                                          

The order backlog amounted to EUR 546.3 million (447.7 million on 30 September  
2006). At the end of 2006 the order backlog amounted to EUR 453.7 million.      
Growth in the order backlogs of both Business Premises and International        
business areas contributed to the 22.0 per cent growth in the order backlog.    

| Key figures of SRV      | IFRS     | IFRS      | change, | change, | IFRS    |
| Group                   |          |           |         |         |         |
| EUR million             | 1-9/2007 | 1-9/2006  | MEUR    | %       | 2006    |
| Revenue                 | 395.9    | 322.3     | 73.6    | 22.8    | 479.5   |
| Operating profit        | 18.0     | 12.8      | 5.1     | 39.9    | 24.6    |
| Profit before taxes     | 16.8     | 10.2      | 6.6     | 64.2    | 20.7    |
| Net profit for the      | 12.8     | 7.6       | 5.2     | 69.0    | 15.3    |
| period                  |          |           |         |         |         |
| Order backlog           | 546.3    | 447.7     | 98.6    | 22.0    | 453.7   |
| Operating profit, %     | 4.5      | 4.0       |         |         | 5.1     |
| Profit before taxes, %  | 4.2      | 3.2       |         |         | 4.3     |
| Net profit, %           | 3.2      | 2.3       |         |         | 3.2     |
| Equity ratio, %         | 60.9     | 30.6      |         |         | 31.7    |
| Return on investment, % | 15.4     | 12.1      |         |         | 15.9    |
| 1)                      |          |           |         |         |         |
| Return on equity, % 1)  | 15.2     | 19.3      |         |         | 27.3    |
| Earnings per share, eur | 0.39     | 0.27      |         | 44.3    | 0.56    |
| 2)                      |          |           |         |         |         |
| 1)  In calculating the key ratio only the profit for the period has been     |
| annualised                                                                   |
| 2)  Key figures per share have been adjusted to reflect the increase in the  |
| number of shares, which came into effect on April 11th, 2007 (split), new    |
| issue of shares on June 11th, 2007 and the new issue of shares and the       |
| cancellation of treasury shares in connection with the merger of the SRV     |
| Henkilöstö Oy on September 29th, 2007                                        |

OUTLOOK FOR CONSTRUCTION                                                        

The global economic growth is expected to continue and to reach five per cent   
this year. The slow down of the USA economic growth is compensated by the       
economic growth in other areas. The favourable development in the euro area will
continue, and according to the Ministry of Finance production in the area will  
increase by 2.5 per cent this and next year. The European Central Bank raised   
the reference rate to four per cent in June.                                    

The economic growth in Finland remains good and still surpasses the growth in   
Europe. The Ministry of Finance estimates the upward cycle in Finland to        
continue to be stronger and lasting longer than was anticipated earlier, the    
growth in the GDP is estimated to be 4.4 per cent in 2007 and 3.3 per cent in   
2008. The economic boom is predicted to continue till 2008.                     

The outlook for construction and real estate markets in Finland is expected to  
remain positive, even though the growth rate will slow down next year and the   
disturbance in the financial market which started in the USA increases the      
uncertainty in the markets. The housing production is estimated to go only      
slightly down from the present level. This year 32 000 residential units are    
estimated to be started up. Selling times for dwellings have lengthened and the 
rise in housing prices has steadied especially outside the growth centres.      
Construction of office and commercial premises is expected to remain brisk.     
Favourable economic situation and the completion of Vuosaari harbour keep also  
the construction of industrial and warehouse premises brisk in the Greater      
Helsinki area, in particular.                                                   

The growth centres in southern Finland, in particular, suffer from shortages in 
skilled labour.  Strong demand brings shortage in supply of certain materials.  
Shortcoming for the availability of construction subcontracting and materials is
estimated to ease off during the last part of the year.                         

The economic growth in Estonia is decelerating after many years of growth. The  
Bank of Estonia forecasts an 8.4 per cent economic growth this year and 6.5 per 
cent in 2008. The situation in the Estonian residential market has weakened and 
the lowered demand has caused a decline in the price level. The Bank of Latvia  
reports a strong economic growth in Latvia during the second quarter of the year
showing an 11 per cent growth. However, there are some uncertainties concerning 
the predictability of the economic growth in the Baltic. Russian construction   
market is estimated to grow around 10 per cent annually in the near future.     
Increase in the cost level as well as shortage in skilled personnel set         
challenges. Demand for both business premises and housing is estimated to stay  
high in Russia.                                                                 

KEY FIGURES OF OPERATING SEGMENTS                                               

| Revenue                 | IFRS      | IFRS     | change, | change, | IFRS    |
| EUR million             | 1-9/2007  | 1-9/2006 | MEUR    | %       | 2006    |
| Business Premises       | 242.2     | 208.3    | 33.9    | 16.3    | 297.0   |
| Housing                 | 119.6     | 91.2     | 28.3    | 31.1    | 138.1   |
| International           | 34.4      | 28.7     | 5.7     | 20.0    | 44.6    |
| Operations              |           |          |         |         |         |
| Other                   | 8.5       | 5.6      | 2.9     | 52.1    | 6.0     |
| Eliminations            | -8.7      | -11.4    | 2.7     |         | -6.2    |
| Group total             | 395.9     | 322.3    | 73.6    | 22.8    | 479.5   |

| Operating profit        | IFRS      | IFRS     | change, | change, | IFRS    |
| EUR million             | 1-9/2007  | 1-9/2006 | MEUR    | %       | 2006    |
| Business Premises       | 13.3      | 14.1     | -0.7    | -5.1    | 25.0    |
| Housing                 | 7.8       | 1.4      | 6.4     | 459.5   | 5.1     |
| International           | -0.8      | -2.6     | 1.7     |         | -3.6    |
| Operations              |           |          |         |         |         |
| Other Operations        | -2.0      | -2.3     | 0.3     |         | -4.4    |
| Eliminations            | -0.4      | 2.2      | -2.6    | -117.8  | 2.5     |
| Group total             | 18.0      | 12.8     | 5.1     | 39.9    | 24.6    |

| Order backlog at the    | IFRS      | IFRS     | change, | change, | IFRS    |
| end of review period    |           |          |         |         |         |
| EUR million             | 1-9/2007  | 1-9/2006 | MEUR    | %       | 2006    |
| Business Premises       | 360.2     | 273.0    | 87.2    | 31.9    | 287.7   |
| Housing                 | 128.2     | 156.3    | -28.0   | -17.9   | 154.4   |
| International           | 57.9      | 18.4     | 39.5    | 214.0   | 11.6    |
| Operations              |           |          |         |         |         |
| Group total             | 546.3     | 447.7    | 98.6    | 22.0    | 453.7   |

EARNINGS TRENDS OF OPERATING SEGMENTS                                           

| Business Premises       | IFRS      | IFRS     | change, | change, | IFRS    |
| EUR million             | 1-9/2007  | 1-9/2006 | MEUR    | %       | 2006    |
| Revenue                 | 242.2     | 208.3    | 33.9    | 16.3    | 297.0   |
| Operating profit        | 13.3      | 14.1     | -0.7    | -5.1    | 25.0    |
| Order backlog at the    | 360.2     | 273.0    | 87.2    | 31.9    | 287.7   |
| end of review period    |           |          |         |         |         |

The Business Premises segment comprises SRV Viitoset Oy's commercial, business, 
logistics and rock construction operations and property development.            

Revenue in the Business Premises business area grew by 16.3 per cent. The       
revenue in the reference period included the sale of the Kamppi offices and     
shopping centre, which accounted for ca. EUR 93 million of revenues. Operating  
profit was EUR 13.3 million (14.1 million). The operating profit for the        
reference period included ca. EUR 10 million margin from the sale of Kamppi     
offices and shopping centre. Margin of ca. EUR 6 million related to the changes 
in the Kamppi offices and shopping centre were entered as income during the last
quarter of the previous year. The order backlog grew by 31.9 per cent to EUR    
360.2 million (273.0 million).                                                  

In early 2007 the logistics centre for Kaukohuolinta in Tuusula, Nokia's        
KaraPhone East business premises project in the Karamalmi district of Espoo, new
business premises for PartnerTech Oy in Vantaa, Teknos powder coating plant in  
Rajamäki, first part of the Helsinki city service tunnel, as well as Autotalo   
Laakkonen and the IBI Porvoo retail building in Kuninkaanportti were completed. 

A contract was concluded early 2007 with Neste Oil Pension Fund for the         
construction and sale of a third office block in the Keilaniemi, Espoo. In      
August a contract was concluded with the German MEAG for the sale and           
construction of the remaining three HTC Keilaniemi office blocks. Other projects
that were started comprise the Logistics Centre in Tuupakka, Vantaa, the        
renovation of the TRIO Shopping Centre in Lahti, Etra and Sjaelso Finland       
projects in Kuninkaanportti, Porvoo, business premises for SGN in Vantaa,       
renovation of the Pasila postal centre, renovation of Hakaniemenranta 6 as well 
as premises for Plantagen in Suomenoja, Espoo. Several rock construction        
projects were under way in Helsinki centre.                                     

| Housing                 | IFRS      | IFRS     | change, | change, | IFRS    |
| EUR million             | 1-9/2007  | 1-9/2006 | MEUR    | %       | 2006    |
| Revenue                 | 119.6     | 91.2     | 28.3    | 31.1    | 138.1   |
| Operating profit        | 7.8       | 1.4      | 6.4     | 459.5   | 5.1     |
| Order backlog           | 128.2     | 156.3    | -28.0   | -17.9   | 154.4   |

The Housing business area comprises housing construction operations within the  
Greater Helsinki area and the neighbouring municipalities as well as the        
operations of the regional subsidiaries. The regional subsidiaries engage in    
housing, commercial, business and logistics construction projects.              

Revenue in the Housing business area grew by 31.1 per cent as the developer     
contracting projects proceeded as planned. Operating profit improved clearly and
amounted to EUR 7.8 million (1.4 million).  The order backlog amounted to EUR   
128.2 million (156.3 million).                                                  

The review period saw the launch of the construction of 208 new dwellings,      
applying the developer contracting method, of which 86 were in the greater      
Helsinki area, 54 in Tampere region, 18 in Turku region and 50 in Jyväskylä     
region. In addition, new contracts amounting to EUR 40.6 million were concluded 
during the review period with external clients. A total of 248 (298) development
contracted housing units were sold in the review period. At the end of the      
review period SRV had 382 residential units under construction. Completed,      
unsold residential units numbered 71, of these 48 units were completed during   
the third quarter.                                                              

In October preconditions for sale of Espoon Vallikallion Helmi (developer       
contracting project of 67 residential units) and Vantaan Ulrikanhuippu          
(partnership project of 46 units) were met and the projects were included in the
order backlog information (totalling EUR 29 million).  Towards the end of the   
year construction of Asunto Oy Helsingin Oscar in the Töölö district of Helsinki
is projected to commence (65 residential units).                                

SRV estimates to start the construction of 363 development contracted dwellings 
in Finland in 2007 (490 in 2006).                                               

| International           | IFRS      | IFRS     | change, | change, | IFRS    |
| Operations              |           |          |         |         |         |
| EUR million             | 1-9/2007  | 1-9/2006 | MEUR    | %       | 2006    |
| Revenue                 | 34.4      | 28.7     | 5.7     | 20.0    | 44.6    |
| Operating profit        | -0.8      | -2.6     | 1.7     |         | -3.6    |
| Order backlog           | 57.9      | 18.4     | 39.5    | 214.0   | 11.6    |

International Operations comprise the business activities of SRV International  
subgroup in Russia and the Baltic States.                                       

Revenue in International business area grew by 20 per cent. Business area's     
revenue amounted to EUR 34.4 million (28.7 million) and operating loss was EUR  
0.8 million (a loss of 2.6 million).  Focus on developer contracting projects in
the operations in Russia and low percentage of completion in new projects       
reflected in the revenue development in the third quarter. The operating result 
improved but showed a loss. Construction and housing sales  volumes decreased in
Estonia. There are developer contracting projects under construction in Russia, 
which will be recognised when the projects are sold. The order backlog amounted 
to EUR 57.9 million (18.4 million).                                             

International business area aims to execute the sales of the logistics premises 
leased to Oriola KD in Estonia and the hotel project in Yekaterinburg during the
last part of the year.                                                          


SRV started the renovation of the Pulkovskaya and Pribaltiskaya hotels operated 
by Rezidor Group in St. Petersburg.  Construction of the Etmia II office and    
parking facility in the heart of Moscow has proceeded to frame works.  In the   
project, SRV acts as co-owner with a 50 per cent share and project management   
contractor. The construction of the Papula residential area in the city of      
Vyborg started in June. Phase I includes 38 residential units in the area.      

A major shopping centre project in the Moscow area with real estate investment  
company Vicus Oy was published in March. The planning of the shopping centre,   
preconstruction and tenant mapping is ongoing, and construction is estimated to 
start during 2008. The complex will be built in two phases. The total floor area
is ca. 100,000 square metres. SRV's role in the project is that of co-owner with
a 25 per cent share, and project management contractor. The planning of the     
shopping centre project is included in the order backlog.                       

Baltic States                                                                   

A partnership project with Facio Ehitus was started in the city of Tartu. SRV   
owns a plot for seven high-rise apartment buildings, construction of one was    
started in the summer. No other dwelling projects are projected to start during 
the last part of the year.                                                      

Construction of 48 developer contracting housing units was commenced in Estonia 
during the review period. A total of 16 housing units were sold during the      
review period. At the end of the period 46 units remained unsold, four of them  
in completed projects.                                                          

The logistics centre leased to Oriola KD will be completed at the turn of the   
year, and a preliminary contract for the sale of the project was concluded on 22
October 2007. Construction of Inchcape Motors' auto house started in Tallinn.   
Business premises for Veikko Laine Oy were completed in early 2007.             

In Latvia execution of earlier contracts continued for HRX and Beweship as well 
as Latvijas Finieris. Kesko Agro store was handed over to the client in Riga in 
early 2007.                                                                     

| Other Operations        | IFRS      | IFRS     | change, | change, | IFRS    |
| EUR million             | 1-9/2007  | 1-9/2006 | MEUR    | %       | 2006    |
| Revenue                 | 8.5       | 5.6      | 2.9     | 52.1    | 6.0     |
| Operating profit        | -2.0      | -2.3     | 0.3     |         | -4.4    |

Other Operations comprises mainly the operations of SRV Group Plc and SRV       
Kalusto Oy.                                                                     

FINANCING AND FINANCIAL POSITION                                                

The Group's interest-bearing liabilities totalled EUR 45 million on 30 September
2007 (EUR 68.8 million). Net financial expenses were EUR 1.2 million (EUR 2.6   
million). At the end of the reporting period, the Group's liquid assets amounted
to EUR 25.1 million (EUR 19.2 million).  The increase in liquid assets and the  
decrease of liabilities was due to the Initial Public Offering.                 

The return on investment was 15.4 per cent (12.1 %) and the return on equity    
15.2 percent (19.3 %).  The equity ratio was 60.9 percent (30.6 %).             


The Group's investments amounted to EUR 2.7 million (EUR 1.7 million) and were  
mainly related to machinery and equipment.                                      
PLOT RESERVES AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS                                        

| Plot reserves       | Business    | Housing     | International  | Total     |
| 30.9.2007           | Operations  |             | Operations     |           |
| Plot reserves and land acquisition commitments                               |
| Building rights*,   | 100         | 249         | 325            | 673       |
| 1000 m2             |             |             |                |           |
| Capital tied,       | 16          | 60          | 25             | 101       |
| including           |             |             |                |           |
| commitments, EUR    |             |             |                |           |
| million             |             |             |                |           |
| Land development    |             |             |                |           |
| agreements          |             |             |                |           |
| Building rights*,   | 399         | 119         | 100            | 618       |
| 1000 m2             |             |             |                |           |
| * building rights include estimated zoning potential                         |

SRV purchased a 6.3 hectare land area in Vantaa in the proximity of Hämeenlinna 
highway and Kehä III (Ring Road) in June. The land area's permitted building    
volume is 66,000 floor square metres, and it enables the construction of        
versatile business premises in the developing Vantaankoski area.                

SRV concluded a preliminary property transaction contract for land area and     
buildings in Pakkala district in Vantaa owned by Parker Hannifin Oy. An appeal  
for alteration of city plan will be submitted related to this land area. The aim
is to build residential buildings with a floor area of 5,800 square metres. A   
contract for construction of new facilities of ca. 4,000 square metres for      
Parker Hannifin Oy in Koivuhaka district in Vantaa was also concluded.          

SRV concluded a preliminary property transaction contract for alteration of city
plan and development of a land area to commercial and residential premises in   
Seppälä district in Jyväskylä. SRV's objective is, after alteration of city     
plan, to implement a commercial building of 15,000 to 16,000 floor square metres
and 8,000 to 9,000 floor square metres of residential buildings.                

The plot transaction contract related to the first phase of Asunto Oy Helsingin 
Oscar was signed on 27 June 2007. The plot has building right for 5,800 floor   
square metres. The plot transaction contract for the second phase will be signed
by the end of November 2007. This plot has building right for 6,400 floor square

CHANGES IN GROUP MANAGEMENT                                                     

Juha-Veikko Nikulainen started as Executive Vice President in charge of Housing 
business area on 26 January 2007 and Jussi Ollila as Senior Vice President in   
charge of communications and marketing on 1 February 2007.                      


SRV Group employed on average 763 (654) employees, of whom 534 (453) were       
white-collar. The parent company employed on average 62 (58) white-collars. At  
the end of the reporting period the Group's payroll was 761 (701) employees, of 
whom 64 (61) were employed by the parent company. 8.8 per cent (8.7 %) of the   
personnel are employed abroad.                                                  

SRV develops co-operation with universities and colleges as a part of Group     
recruitment plan and as a resource pool for holiday seasons. At the end of the  
reporting period 32 trainees were employed in SRV Group's operations in Finland.

| Personnel by operating        | 30.9.2007   | 31.12.2006  | Share of Group   |
| segment                       |             |             | personnel        |
|                               |             |             | 30.9.2007, %     |
| Business Premises             | 279         | 236         | 36.7             |
| Housing                       | 281         | 293         | 36.9             |
| International Operations      | 111         | 87          | 14.6             |
| Other                         | 90          | 91          | 11.8             |
| Group total                   | 761         | 707         | 100.0            |


General economic trends and changes in customers' operating environments have an
immediate effect on the construction and property markets. A change in the      
general interest level has a direct impact on both SRV's actual cash flow from  
operating activities and financing costs.                                       

SRV's revenue is generated by construction projects, and the company's result   
depends on the profitability of individual projects as well as their progress.  
The recognition date of the developer contracting projects depends also on the  
percentage of sold premises in projects. Construction is subject to significant 
risks relating to subcontracting and deliveries, their control underlines the   
need for long-span planning. Project management contracting model requires      
skilled and competent personnel. Warranty and liability obligations related to  
construction can span up to ten years.                                          

The financial risks related to the SRV Group's business are liquidity, interest 
rate, foreign exchange, credit and counterparty risks, which have been presented
in the notes to the 2006 financial statements.                                  

Group's risk management is carried out in line with the Group's operations      
system and control is exercised in accordance with the Group strategy approved  
by the Board of Directors of the Group's parent company. The Group's President  
and CEO has overall responsibility for the risk management. SRV also makes every
effort to cover operational risks by means of insurance and contractual terms. A
more detailed account of SRV's risks, risk management and corporate governance  
policies has been disclosed in the 2006 Annual Report and financial statements. 


The Extraordinary General Meeting decided on 2 April 2007 to increase the number
of shares of the Company twenty fold (split) and transfer the share premium     
reserve to share capital. The Extraordinary General Meeting decided also on     
amendments to the Articles of Association. The decisions were entered in the    
Trade Register 11 April 2007.                                                   

The Annual General Meeting was held on 23 April, 2007 and confirmed the         
financial statements for 2006 and discharged the members of the Board of        
Directors and the President and CEO from liability. The dividend was confirmed  
at EUR 0.12 per share.                                                          

Ilpo Kokkila was elected as Chairman of the Board of Directors and Eero         
Heliövaara, Matti Mustaniemi, Markku Sarkamies, Jukka Hienonen and Lasse        
Kurkilahti as members. The term of Jukka Hienonen and Lasse Kurkilahti began and
the term of Eero Heliövaara ended on 13 June 2007, when the Company's shares had
been admitted to the public trading at the Helsinki Stock Exchange. The Board of
Directors elected on 13 June 2007 Lasse Kurkilahti as deputy Chairman of the    
Board, Matti Mustaniemi as chairman of the Audit Committee and Ilpo Kokkila as  
chairman of the Nominations and Remuneration Committee.                         

Jarmo Lohi, Authorised Public Accountant was elected as Company's auditor and as
deputy auditor, Ernst & Young Oy with Mikko Rytilahti, Authorised Public        
Accountant as chief auditor. The Annual General Meeting decided also on         
amendments to the Articles of Association.                                      

The Annual General Meeting authorised on 23 April 2007 the Board of Directors to
issue a maximum of 11,500,000 new shares, to decide on the issue of up to       
1,500,000 new directed shares to SEB Enskilda to cover possible                 
oversubscriptions and to acquire a maximum of 1,500,000 shares from SEB         

The Extraordinary General Meeting of SRV Group Plc approved on 24 May 2007 the  
merger plan to merge SRV Henkilöstö into SRV.                                   

INITIAL PUBLIC OFFERING                                                         

Board of Directors decided on 25 May 2007 to offer ca. 11,500,000 new shares for
subscription for Finnish and International institutional investors, for retail  
investors in Finland and for the Board of Directors, management and employees of
SRV in Finland. SRV submitted to the Helsinki Stock Exchange an application for 
listing of its shares on 25 May 2007.                                           

The institutional offering commenced on 28 May 2007 and expired on 11 June 2007.
The retail offering commenced on 29 May 2007 and was interrupted due to         
oversubscription on 5 June 2007. The employee offering commenced on 29 May 2007 
and expired on 9 June 2007.                                                     

The Board of Directors decided on 11 June 2007 to issue 11,500,000 new shares,  
of which 9,907,300 shares was allocated to domestic and institutional investors,
1,150,000 shares to retail investors in Finland and 442,700 to the employees. In
addition, the Company issued 1,500,000 shares to SEB Enskilda to cover          
over-allotments. In total 6,400 investors participated in the offering.  The    
size of the offering was confirmed at 13,000,000 shares on 15 June 2007. The    
shares issued represent approximately 33.3 per cent of the total number of      
shares in SRV after the offering.                                               

The gross proceeds to SRV from the offering were approximately EUR 117 million  
and the net proceeds after deduction of commissions and fees related to the     
transaction were approximately EUR 112 million. SRV intends to use the proceeds 
to further develop its operations primarily through increasing the share of     
developer contracting and development projects both in residential and          
non-residential construction, and accelerating the expansion of its             
international business particularly in Russia.                                  

SHARES AND SHAREHOLDERS                                                         

SRV Group Plc's share capital is EUR 3,062,520. The share has no nominal value  
and the total number of shares is 36,768,468. The company has one series of     
shares. Key figures per share in the interim report have been adjusted to       
reflect the increase in the number of shares, which came into effect on 11 April
2007 (split) and new issue of shares on 11 June 2007 as well as new issue of    
shares and cancellation of own shares which came into effect on 28 September    

Trading with SRV's share commenced on the Pre-list of the Helsinki Stock        
Exchange on 12 June 2007 and on the Main list on 15 June 2007. SRV has on 8     
October 2007 in total 7,756 shareholders.                                       

SRV's offer price was set at EUR 9.00. The closing rate on the first date of    
listing on 12 June 2007 was EUR 9.90 and at the end of the review period EUR    
8.10 (-18.2 per cent). The highest share price in the review period was EUR     
10.79 and the lowest was EUR 7.00. The change in the all-share index of The     
Helsinki Stock Exchange (OMX Helsinki) during the same period was +9.3 per cent 
and OMX Industrial and Services index -0.3 per cent.                            

Market capitalization at the end of the period was EUR 297.8 million. Some 14.9 
million shares were traded in the Helsinki Stock Exchange during the review     
period, the trading share value amounting to EUR 142.3 million.                 

MERGER OF SRV HENKILÖSTÖ OY                                                     

The Boards of Directors of SRV and SRV Henkilöstö Oy signed on 27 April 2007 a  
plan to merge SRV Henkilöstö into SRV. The Extraordinary General Meeting of SRV 
Henkilöstö Oy approved the merger plan on 6 June 2007.                          

The board of directors confirmed on 25 September 2007 the number of shares to be
issued as merger consideration to be 10,216,468.  For each SRV Henkilöstö Oy's  
share, ca. 16.33 SRV Group Plc's new shares were given as merger consideration. 
The execution date of the merger was 28 September 2007. The 12,512,000 SRV      
shares held by SRV Henkilöstö Oy were cancelled on 28 September 2007 without    
reducing the share capital. The merger decreased SRV's unrestricted equity by   
EUR 20,659,925.02.                                                              

FINANCIAL TARGETS                                                               

The Board of Directors has set financial targets for the company in the spring  
of 2007. In the medium term SRV aims to achieve an annual average growth of     
approximately 15 per cent in Group revenue and annual average growth of 30      
percent in revenue in the International Operations. SRV aims to increase the    
level of operating profit and in the medium to long term to achieve an operating
margin of 8 per cent. Also the company aims to maintain an equity ratio of 30   
per cent.                                                                       

EVENTS AFTER THE REVIEW PERIOD                                                  

SRV concluded a precontract for the sale of the logistic centre leased to Oriola
KD. The selling price is ca. EUR 5 million.                                     

GROUP OUTLOOK                                                                   

The favourable outlook for construction of business premises in Finland and the 
strong economic growth in Russia support the development of the Group's order   
backlog and revenue.                                                            

SRV Group's order backlog is expected to grow in the last part of 2007. Group's 
revenue for the whole year is expected to reach ca. EUR 550 million and the     
operating profit to surpass the previous year's level.                          

Espoo, 13 November 2007                                                         

Board of Directors                                                              

All forward-looking statements in this review are based on the management's     
current expectations and beliefs about future events, and actual results may    
differ materially from the expectations and beliefs such statements contain.    

For further information please contact:                                         
Eero Heliövaara, CEO, tel. +358 (0)20 1455 202                                  
Hannu Linnoinen, CFO, +358 (201) 455 990, +358 (50) 523 5850                    
Jussi Ollila, SVP, Communications, +358 (201) 455 275, +358 (50) 372 5229       

Helsinki Stock Exchange                                                         

SRV Group Plc  1 January  - 30 September 2007: TABLES                           


1) Condensed consolidated financial statements: income statement, balance sheet,
statement of changes in equity, cash flow statement, commitments and contingent 
liabilities, derivative contracts liabilities                                   
2) Segment information                                                          
3) other SRV Group key figures                                                  

1. Group financials 1 January - 30 September 2007                               

IFRS-standards and operating segments                                           

SRV Group (SRV) adopted International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) on 1 
January 2006. In preparing interim condensed consolidated financial statement   
information, SRV has applied the same accounting principles as in its year-end  
financial statements for 2006. The interim condensed consolidated financial     
statement information has been prepared in accordance with the accounting       
policies set out in the IAS 34 standard and the information disclosed is        

SRV's reporting segments comprise Business Premises, Housing, International     
Operations and Other operations. The operating segment figures are disclosed in 
accordance the IFRS 8 following accounting principles applied to the            
consolidated financial statements.                                              
| Consolidate     | IFRS   | IFRS  | change | chang | IFRS   | IFRS   | IFRS   |
| income          |        |       | ,      | e,    |        |        |        |
| statement       |        |       |        |       |        |        |        |
| EUR million     | 1-9/20 | 1-9/2 | MEUR   | %     | 7-9/20 | 7-9/20 | 2006   |
|                 | 07     | 006   |        |       | 07     | 06     |        |
| Revenue         | 395.9  | 322.3 | 73.6   | 22.8% | 134.6  | 93.9   | 479.5  |
| Other operating | 0.7    | 2.0   | -1.2   | -63.0 | 0.1    | 0.4    | 3.7    |
| income          |        |       |        | %     |        |        |        |
| Change in       | 6.0    | 15.1  | -9.0   | -60.0 | -4.8   | 3.3    | 27.2   |
| inventories of  |        |       |        | %     |        |        |        |
| finished goods  |        |       |        |       |        |        |        |
| and work in     |        |       |        |       |        |        |        |
| progress        |        |       |        |       |        |        |        |
| Use of          | -343.8 | -290. | -53.2  | 18.3% | -110.8 | -86.3  | -434.0 |
| materials and   |        | 6     |        |       |        |        |        |
| services        |        |       |        |       |        |        |        |
| Employee        | -30.1  | -26.4 | -3.6   | 13.8% | -8.3   | -7.7   | -36.8  |
| benefit         |        |       |        |       |        |        |        |
| expenses        |        |       |        |       |        |        |        |
| Depreciation    | -1.4   | -1.4  | 0.0    | 3.5%  | -0.5   | -0.5   | -2.0   |
| and impairments |        |       |        |       |        |        |        |
| Other operating | -9.5   | -8.2  | -1.3   | 15.9% | -2.7   | -2.2   | -12.8  |
| expenses        |        |       |        |       |        |        |        |
| Operating       | 18.0   | 12.8  | 5.1    | 39.9% | 7.6    | 1.0    | 24.6   |
| profit          |        |       |        |       |        |        |        |
| Financial       | 1.3    | 2.0   | -0.8   | -37.0 | 0.5    | 0.5    | 2.6    |
| income          |        |       |        | %     |        |        |        |
| Financial       | -2.5   | -4.7  | 2.2    | -46.8 | -0.4   | -0.7   | -6.6   |
| expenses        |        |       |        | %     |        |        |        |
| Financial       | -1.2   | -2.6  | 1.4    | -54.3 | 0.2    | -0.2   | -4.0   |
| income and      |        |       |        | %     |        |        |        |
| expenses, total |        |       |        |       |        |        |        |
| Profit before   | 16.8   | 10.2  | 6.6    | 64.2% | 7.8    | 0.8    | 20.7   |
| taxes           |        |       |        |       |        |        |        |
| Income taxes    | -4.0   | -2.7  | -1.3   | 50.7% | -1.6   | -0.2   | -5.4   |
| Net profit for  | 12.8   | 7.6   | 5.2    | 69.0% | 6.1    | 0.6    | 15.3   |
| the period      |        |       |        |       |        |        |        |
| Attributable to |        |       |        |       |        |        |        |
| Equity holders  | 12.3   | 7.1   |        |       | 5.6    | 0.5    | 14.5   |
| of the parent   |        |       |        |       |        |        |        |
| company         |        |       |        |       |        |        |        |
| Minority        | 0.5    | 0.5   |        |       | 0.6    | 0.1    | 0.8    |
| interest        |        |       |        |       |        |        |        |
| Earnings per    | 0.39   | 0.27  |        | 44.3% | 0.14   | 0.02   | 0.56   |
| share           |        |       |        |       |        |        |        |
| calculated on   |        |       |        |       |        |        |        |
| the profit      |        |       |        |       |        |        |        |
| attributable to |        |       |        |       |        |        |        |
| equity holders  |        |       |        |       |        |        |        |
| of the parent   |        |       |        |       |        |        |        |
| company         |        |       |        |       |        |        |        |
| (undiluted and  |        |       |        |       |        |        |        |
| diluted) 1)     |        |       |        |       |        |        |        |
| 1) Key figures per share have been adjusted to reflect the increase in the   |
| number of shares, which came into effect on April 11th, 2007 (split), new    |
| issue of shares on June 11th, 2007 and the new issue of shares and the       |
| cancellation of treasury shares in connection with the merger of the SRV     |
| Henkilöstö Oy on September 29th, 2007                                        |

| Consolidated balance sheet           | IFRS     | IFRS   | change, | IFRS    |
| EUR million                          | 9/2007   | 9/2006 | %       | 2006    |
| ASSETS                               |          |        |         |         |
| Non-current assets                   |          |        |         |         |
| Property, plant and equipment        | 6.8      | 7.0    | -3.5%   | 5.5     |
| Goodwill                             | 0.7      | 0.8    | -9.7%   | 0.7     |
| Other intangible assets              | 0.7      | 1.0    | -30.1%  | 0.9     |
| Other financial assets               | 2.9      | 2.0    | 44.9%   | 2.3     |
| Receivables                          | 6.0      | 5.9    | 2.0%    | 5.6     |
| Deferred tax assets                  | 0.7      | 1.9    | -62.8%  | 0.2     |
| Non-current assets, total            | 17.8     | 18.6   | -4.3%   | 15.2    |
| Current assets                       |          |        |         |         |
| Inventories                          | 173.7    | 103.3  | 68.2%   | 134.5   |
| Trade and other receivables          | 94.2     | 83.0   | 13.5%   | 65.4    |
| Current tax                          | 2.2      | 5.2    | -57.4%  | 1.4     |
| Cash and cash equivalents            | 25.1     | 19.2   | 30.5%   | 14.9    |
| Current assets, total                | 295.3    | 210.8  | 40.1%   | 216.3   |
| ASSETS, TOTAL                        | 313.1    | 229.4  | 36.5%   | 231.4   |

| Consolidated balance sheet           | IFRS     | IFRS   | change, | IFRS    |
| EUR million                          | 9/2007   | 9/2006 | %       | 2006    |
| EQUITY AND LIABILITIES               |          |        |         |         |
| Equity attributable to equity        |          |        |         |         |
| holders of the parent company        |          |        |         |         |
| Share capital                        | 3.1      | 1.3    | 135.0%  | 1.3     |
| Share premium reserve                | 0.0      | 1.8    |         | 1.8     |
| Invested free equity account         | 83.1     | 0.0    |         | 0.0     |
| Translation differences              | 0.0      | 0.0    |         | 0.0     |
| Fair value reserve                   | 0.0      | 0.1    | -83.8%  | 0.0     |
| Retained earnings                    | 73.0     | 47.3   | 54.3%   | 54.8    |
| Equity attributable to equity        | 159.1    | 50.4   | 215.4%  | 57.9    |
| holders of the parent company, total |          |        |         |         |
| Minority interest                    | 3.2      | 3.8    | -15.3%  | 4.2     |
| Equity, total                        | 162.3    | 54.2   | 199.2%  | 62.2    |
| Non-current liabilities              |          |        |         |         |
| Deferred tax liabilities             | 0.8      | 1.0    | -25.7%  | 1.0     |
| Provisions                           | 5.5      | 3.7    | 46.7%   | 4.8     |
| Interest-bearing liabilities         | 32.6     | 42.7   | -23.5%  | 48.3    |
| Other liabilities                    | 0.0      | 0.0    |         | 0.0     |
| Non-current liabilities, total       | 38.9     | 47.4   | -18.0%  | 54.2    |
| Current liabilities                  |          |        |         |         |
| Trade and other liabilities          | 95.0     | 91.4   | 4.0%    | 80.1    |
| Current tax                          | 1.1      | 7.4    | -85.0%  | 0.2     |
| Provisions                           | 3.4      | 2.8    | 21.8%   | 3.6     |
| Interest-bearing liabilities         | 12.3     | 26.2   | -52.9%  | 31.2    |
| Current liabilities, total           | 111.9    | 127.7  | -12.4%  | 115.1   |
| Liabilities, total                   | 150.8    | 175.1  | -13.9%  | 169.3   |
| EQUITY AND LIABILITIES               | 313.1    | 229.4  | 36.5%   | 231.4   |

Statement of changes in Group equity 1 Jan - 30 Sep. 2007                       

|             | Equity attributable to the equity holders of the |             |
|             | parent company                                   |             |
| IFRS        | Sha | Shar | Non- | Trans | Fair  | Retai | Tota | Mino | Tota |
| EUR million | re  | e    | rest | latio | value | ned   | l    | -rit | l    |
|             | cap | prem | rict | n     | reser | earni |      | y    | equi |
|             | ita | ium  | ed   | diffe | ve    | ngs   |      | inte | ty   |
|             | l   | rese | equi | rence |       |       |      | rest |      |
|             |     | rve  | ty   | s     |       |       |      |      |      |
|             |     |      | rese |       |       |       |      |      |      |
|             |     |      | rve  |       |       |       |      |      |      |
| Equity on 1 | 1.3 | 1.8  | 0.0  | 0.0   | 0.1   | 54.7  | 57.9 | 4.2  | 62.2 |
| Jan.2007    |     |      |      |       |       |       |      |      |      |
| Translation |     |      |      | 0.0   |       |       | 0.0  |      |      |
| differences |     |      |      |       |       |       |      |      |      |
| Amount of   |     |      |      |       |       |       | 0.0  |      |      |
| available-f |     |      |      |       |       |       |      |      |      |
| or-sale     |     |      |      |       |       |       |      |      |      |
| financial   |     |      |      |       |       |       |      |      |      |
| assets      |     |      |      |       |       |       |      |      |      |
| removed     |     |      |      |       |       |       |      |      |      |
| from equity |     |      |      |       |       |       |      |      |      |
| and         |     |      |      |       |       |       |      |      |      |
| recognised  |     |      |      |       |       |       |      |      |      |
| in the      |     |      |      |       |       |       |      |      |      |
| income      |     |      |      |       |       |       |      |      |      |
| statement   |     |      |      |       |       |       |      |      |      |
| Net gains   |     |      |      |       | -0.1  |       | -0.1 |      |      |
| on          |     |      |      |       |       |       |      |      |      |
| available-f |     |      |      |       |       |       |      |      |      |
| or-sale     |     |      |      |       |       |       |      |      |      |
| financial   |     |      |      |       |       |       |      |      |      |
| assets      |     |      |      |       |       |       |      |      |      |
| Other       | 1.8 | -1.8 |      |       |       | 0.1   | 0.1  |      |      |
| changes     |     |      |      |       |       |       |      |      |      |
| Purchase    |     |      | -29. |       |       | 8.6   | -20. |      |      |
| and         |     |      | 3    |       |       |       | 7    |      |      |
| cancellatio |     |      |      |       |       |       |      |      |      |
| n of        |     |      |      |       |       |       |      |      |      |
| treasury    |     |      |      |       |       |       |      |      |      |
| shares      |     |      |      |       |       |       |      |      |      |
| Share issue |     |      | 112. |       |       | 0.4   | 112. |      |      |
| and         |     |      | 4    |       |       |       | 8    |      |      |
| employee    |     |      |      |       |       |       |      |      |      |
| offering    |     |      |      |       |       |       |      |      |      |
| Net income  | 1.8 | -1.8 | 83.1 | 0.0   | -0.1  | 9.1   | 92.0 |      |      |
| recorded    |     |      |      |       |       |       |      |      |      |
| directly in |     |      |      |       |       |       |      |      |      |
| equity      |     |      |      |       |       |       |      |      |      |
| Net profit  |     |      |      |       |       | 12.3  | 12.3 |      |      |
| for the     |     |      |      |       |       |       |      |      |      |
| period      |     |      |      |       |       |       |      |      |      |
| Total       | 0.0 | 0.0  | 0.0  | 0.0   | 0.0   | 12.3  | 12.3 |      |      |
| recognized  |     |      |      |       |       |       |      |      |      |
| income and  |     |      |      |       |       |       |      |      |      |
| expenses    |     |      |      |       |       |       |      |      |      |
| Dividends   |     |      |      |       |       | -3.1  | -3.1 |      |      |
| paid        |     |      |      |       |       |       |      |      |      |
| Equity on   | 3.1 | 0.0  | 83.1 | 0.0   | 0.0   | 73.0  | 159. | 3.2  | 162. |
| 30 Sep.     |     |      |      |       |       |       | 1    |      | 3    |
| 2007        |     |      |      |       |       |       |      |      |      |

Statement of changes in Group equity 1 Jan - 30 Sep. 2006                       

|             | Equity attributable to the equity holders of the |             |
|             | parent company                                   |             |
| IFRS        | Sha | Shar | Non- | Trans | Fair  | Retai | Tota | Mino | Tota |
| EUR million | re  | e    | rest | latio | value | ned   | l    | rity | l    |
|             | cap | prem | rict | n     | reser | earni |      | inte | equi |
|             | ita | ium  | ed   | diffe | ve    | ngs   |      | rest | ty   |
|             | l   | rese | equi | rence |       |       |      |      |      |
|             |     | rve  | ty   | s     |       |       |      |      |      |
|             |     |      | rese |       |       |       |      |      |      |
|             |     |      | rve  |       |       |       |      |      |      |
| Equity 1    | 1.3 | 1.8  | 0.0  | 0.0   | 0.4   | 42.5  | 45.9 | 3.9  | 49.8 |
| Jan. 2006   |     |      |      |       |       |       |      |      |      |
| Translation |     |      |      | 0.0   |       |       | 0.0  |      |      |
| differences |     |      |      |       |       |       |      |      |      |
| Amount of   |     |      |      |       |       |       | 0.0  |      |      |
| available-f |     |      |      |       |       |       |      |      |      |
| or-sale     |     |      |      |       |       |       |      |      |      |
| financial   |     |      |      |       |       |       |      |      |      |
| assets      |     |      |      |       |       |       |      |      |      |
| removed     |     |      |      |       |       |       |      |      |      |
| from equity |     |      |      |       |       |       |      |      |      |
| and         |     |      |      |       |       |       |      |      |      |
| recognised  |     |      |      |       |       |       |      |      |      |
| in the      |     |      |      |       |       |       |      |      |      |
| income      |     |      |      |       |       |       |      |      |      |
| statement   |     |      |      |       |       |       |      |      |      |
| Net gains   |     |      |      |       | -0.3  |       | -0.3 |      |      |
| on          |     |      |      |       |       |       |      |      |      |
| available-f |     |      |      |       |       |       |      |      |      |
| or-sale     |     |      |      |       |       |       |      |      |      |
| financial   |     |      |      |       |       |       |      |      |      |
| assets      |     |      |      |       |       |       |      |      |      |
| Other       |     |      |      |       |       | 0.0   | 0.0  |      |      |
| changes     |     |      |      |       |       |       |      |      |      |
| Net income  | 0.0 | 0.0  | 0.0  | 0.0   | -0.3  | 0.0   | -0.3 |      |      |
| recorded    |     |      |      |       |       |       |      |      |      |
| directly in |     |      |      |       |       |       |      |      |      |
| equity      |     |      |      |       |       |       |      |      |      |
| Net profit  |     |      |      |       |       | 7.1   | 7.1  |      |      |
| for the     |     |      |      |       |       |       |      |      |      |
| financial   |     |      |      |       |       |       |      |      |      |
| period      |     |      |      |       |       |       |      |      |      |
| Total       | 0.0 | 0.0  | 0.0  | 0.0   | 0.0   | 7.1   | 7.1  |      |      |
| recognized  |     |      |      |       |       |       |      |      |      |
| income and  |     |      |      |       |       |       |      |      |      |
| expenses    |     |      |      |       |       |       |      |      |      |
| Dividends   |     |      |      |       |       | -2.2  | -2.2 |      |      |
| paid        |     |      |      |       |       |       |      |      |      |
| Equity on   | 1.3 | 1.8  | 0.0  | 0.0   | 0.1   | 47.3  | 50.4 | 3.8  | 54.2 |
| 30 Sep.     |     |      |      |       |       |       |      |      |      |
| 2006        |     |      |      |       |       |       |      |      |      |

| Consolidated cash flow statement       | IFRS      | IFRS       | IFRS       |
| EUR million                            | 1-9/2007  | 1-9/2006   | 2006       |
| Cash flows from operating activities   |           |            |            |
| Net profit for the period              | 12.8      | 7.6        | 15.3       |
| Adjustments:                           |           |            |            |
| Depreciation                           | 1.4       | 1.4        | 2.0        |
| Non-cash transactions                  | 7.6       | -0.3       | -0.2       |
| Financial income and expenses          | 1.2       | 2.6        | 4.0        |
| Capital gains on sales of tangible and | -0.1      | -0.4       | -0.4       |
| intangible assets                      |           |            |            |
| Income taxes                           | 4.0       | 2.7        | 5.4        |
|                                        | 14.1      | 6.0        | 10.8       |
| Changes in working capital:            |           |            |            |
| Change in loan receivables             | -4.0      | 14.8       | 31.5       |
| Change in trade and other receivables  | -25.2     | 16.6       | 18.3       |
| Change in inventories                  | -39.7     | -2.7       | -33.9      |
| Change in trade and other liabilities  | 15.1      | 22.8       | 11.3       |
| Change in provisions                   | 0.4       | 1.0        | 3.0        |
|                                        | -53.3     | 52.6       | 30.1       |
| Interest paid                          | -3.7      | -6.2       | -8.1       |
| Interest received                      | 2.1       | 8.0        | 8.2        |
| Income taxes paid                      | -4.7      | -4.6       | -9.0       |
| Net cash flow from operating           | -32.8     | 63.3       | 47.3       |
| activities                             |           |            |            |
| Cash flow from investing activities    |           |            |            |
| Property, plant and equipment          | -2.1      | -0.9       | -1.6       |
| Intangible assets                      | -0.1      | -0.6       | -0.6       |
| Other financial assets                 | -0.5      | -0.3       | -0.6       |
| Sale of property, plant and equipment  | 0.7       | 0.5        | 2.3        |
| and intangible assets                  |           |            |            |
| Sale of investments                    | 0.3       | 0.0        | 0.0        |
| Net cash used in investing activities  | -1.7      | -1.2       | -0.5       |
| Cash flows from financing activities   |           |            |            |
| Proceeds from share issue              | 83.1      | 0.0        | 0.0        |
| Proceeds from long-term loans          | 15.8      | 9.2        | 24.0       |
| Repayments of long-term loans          | -19.8     | -77.3      | -77.9      |
| Change in loan receivables             | -0.6      | 0.9        | 1.0        |
| Change in housing corporation loans    | -17.2     | -16.5      | -11.2      |
| Change in short-term loanlimits        | -13.5     | 19.6       | 10.8       |
| Dividends paid                         | -3.1      | -2.2       | -2.2       |
| Net cash from financing activities     | 44.7      | -66.3      | -55.5      |
| Net change in cash and cash            | 10.2      | -4.2       | -8.6       |
| equivalents                            |           |            |            |
| Cash and cash equivalents at the       | 14.9      | 23.5       | 23.5       |
| beginning of period                    |           |            |            |
| Cash and cash equivalents at the end   | 25.1      | 19.2       | 14.9       |
| of period                              |           |            |            |

| Inventories                      | IFRS     | IFRS     | change,  | IFRS     |
| EUR million                      | 9/2007   | 9/2006   | %        | 2006     |
| Raw materials and consumables    | 0.0      | 0.0      |          | 0.3      |
| Work in progress                 | 73.6     | 49.2     | 49.6     | 51.8     |
| Land areas and plot-owning       | 60.6     | 36.7     | 65.3     | 46.8     |
| companies                        |          |          |          |          |
| Shares in completed housing      | 25.6     | 4.1      | 524.6    | 14.8     |
| corporations and real estate     |          |          |          |          |
| companies                        |          |          |          |          |
| Advance payments                 | 6.1      | 5.7      | 7.2      | 13.5     |
| Other inventories                | 7.8      | 7.7      | 2.0      | 7.4      |
| Inventories, total               | 173.7    | 103.3    | 68.2     | 134.5    |

| Commitments and Contingent       | IFRS     | IFRS     | change,  | IFRS     |
| Liabilities                      |          |          |          |          |
| EUR million                      | 9/2007   | 9/2006   | %        | 2006     |
| Collateral given for own         |          |          |          |          |
| liabilities                      |          |          |          |          |
| Real estate mortgages given      | 58.9     | 65.3     | -9.7%    | 87.4     |
| Pledges given                    | 6.0      | 6.0      | 0.3%     | 10.8     |
| Other commitments                |          |          |          |          |
| Guarantees given on liabilities  | 71.0     | 0.0      |          | 48.0     |
| on uncompleted projects          |          |          |          |          |
| Investment commitments given     | 6.4      | 3.8      | 67.3%    | 3.8      |

| Fair and nominal value | IFRS           | IFRS            | IFRS             |
| of                     | 9/2007         | 9/2006          | 2006             |
| derivative             |                |                 |                  |
| instruments            |                |                 |                  |
| EUR million            | Fair Values    | Fair Values     | Fair Values      |
|                        | Posit | Negati | Posit | Negativ | Positi | Negativ |
|                        | ive   | ve     | ive   | e       | ve     | e       |
| Hedge accounting not   |       |        |       |         |        |         |
| applied                |       |        |       |         |        |         |
| Foreign exchange       | 0.4   | 0.0    | 0.0   | -0.1    | 0.0    | 0.0     |
| forward contracts      |       |        |       |         |        |         |
|                        |       | IFRS   |       | IFRS    |        | IFRS    |
|                        |       | 9/2007 |       | 9/2006  |        | 2006    |
| Nominal values of      |       | 8.8    |       | 10.1    |        | 7.6     |
| derivative instruments |       |        |       |         |        |         |
| Foreign exchange       |       |        |       |         |        |         |
| forward contracts      |       |        |       |         |        |         |
| The fair values of foreign exchange contracts are based on market prices at  |
| the end of the reporting period.                                             |
| Open foreign exchange forward contracts                                      |
| are hedging the financing cash flow.                                         |

2. Segment information                                                          

| Revenue         | IFRS   | IFRS  | change | chang | IFRS   | IFRS   | IFRS   |
|                 |        |       | ,      | e,    |        |        |        |
| EUR million     | 1-9/20 | 1-9/2 | MEUR   | %     | 7-9/20 | 7-9/20 | 2006   |
|                 | 07     | 006   |        |       | 07     | 06     |        |
| Business        | 242.2  | 208.3 | 33.9   | 16.3  | 90.6   | 51.2   | 297.0  |
| Premises        |        |       |        |       |        |        |        |
| Housing         | 119.6  | 91.2  | 28.3   | 31.1  | 35.5   | 32.0   | 138.1  |
| International   | 34.4   | 28.7  | 5.7    | 20.0  | 8.5    | 10.2   | 44.6   |
| Operations      |        |       |        |       |        |        |        |
| Other           | 8.5    | 5.6   | 2.9    | 52.1  | 2.5    | 2.2    | 6.0    |
| Operations      |        |       |        |       |        |        |        |
| Eliminations    | -8.7   | -11.4 | 2.7    |       | -2.6   | -1.8   | -6.2   |
| Group total     | 395.9  | 322.3 | 73.6   | 22.8  | 134.6  | 93.9   | 479.5  |

| Operating       | IFRS   | IFRS  | change | chang | IFRS   | IFRS   | IFRS   |
| profit          |        |       | ,      | e,    |        |        |        |
| EUR million     | 1-9/20 | 1-9/2 | MEUR   | %     | 7-9/20 | 7-9/20 | 2006   |
|                 | 07     | 006   |        |       | 07     | 06     |        |
| Business        | 13.3   | 14.1  | -0.7   | -5.1  | 6.8    | 0.3    | 25.0   |
| Premises        |        |       |        |       |        |        |        |
| Housing         | 7.8    | 1.4   | 6.4    | 459.5 | 3.0    | 1.3    | 5.1    |
| International   | -0.8   | -2.6  | 1.7    |       | -1.7   | -0.3   | -3.6   |
| Operations      |        |       |        |       |        |        |        |
| Other           | -2.0   | -2.3  | 0.3    |       | -0.5   | -0.3   | -4.4   |
| Operations      |        |       |        |       |        |        |        |
| Eliminations    | -0.4   | 2.2   | -2.6   | -117. | 0.0    | 0.0    | 2.5    |
|                 |        |       |        | 8     |        |        |        |
| Group total     | 18.0   | 12.8  | 5.1    | 39.9  | 7.6    | 1.0    | 24.6   |

| Operating      | IFRS     | IFRS     | IFRS     | IFRS     | IFRS      |     |
| profit         |          |          |          |          |           |     |
| %              | 1-9/2007 | 1-9/2006 | 7-9/2007 | 7-9/2006 | 2006      |     |
| Business       | 5.5      | 6.8      | 7.5      | 0.7      | 8.4       |     |
| Premises       |          |          |          |          |           |     |
| Housing        | 6.6      | 1.5      | 8.5      | 4.0      | 3.7       |     |
| International  | -2.5     | -8.9     | -19.9    | -3.4     | -8.0      |     |
| Operations     |          |          |          |          |           |     |
| Group total    | 4.5      | 4.0      | 5.7      | 1.0      | 5.1       |     |
| Assets               | IFRS      | IFRS     | change, | change,  | IFRS      |
| EUR million          | 9/2007    | 9/2006   | MEUR    | %        | 2006      |
| Business Premises    | 112.7     | 84.6     | 28.1    | 33.2%    | 111.9     |
| Housing              | 93.9      | 67.7     | 26.2    | 38.7%    | 74.2      |
| International        | 83.2      | 63.0     | 20.3    | 32.2%    | 65.6      |
| Operations           |           |          |         |          |           |
| Other Operations     | 116.7     | 46.6     | 70.1    | 150.7%   | 71.7      |
| Eliminations and     | -93.3     | -32.4    | -60.9   |          | -92.0     |
| other adjustments    |           |          |         |          |           |
| Group total          | 313.1     | 229.4    | 83.7    | 36.5%    | 231.4     |

| Liabilities               | IFRS     | IFRS    | change | change, | IFRS     |
|                           |          |         | ,      |         |          |
| EUR million               | 9/2007   | 9/2006  | MEUR   | %       | 2006     |
| Business Premises         | 87.0     | 59.8    | 27.2   | 45.4    | 72.2     |
| Housing                   | 76.9     | 51.5    | 25.4   | 49.3    | 61.0     |
| International Operations  | 74.7     | 52.2    | 22.5   | 43.1    | 54.3     |
| Other Operations          | 7.4      | 36.1    | -28.7  | -79.6   | 45.1     |
| Eliminations and other    | -95.2    | -24.4   | -70.8  |         | -63.3    |
| adjustments               |          |         |        |         |          |
| Group total               | 150.8    | 175.1   | -24.4  | -13.9   | 169.3    |

| Invested capital          | IFRS     | IFRS    | change | change, | IFRS     |
|                           |          |         | ,      |         |          |
| EUR million               | 9/2007   | 9/2006  | MEUR   | %       | 2006     |
| Business Premises         | 44.4     | 37.1    | 7.3    | 19.8    | 37.9     |
| Housing                   | 72.2     | 29.1    | 43.1   | 147.8   | 35.6     |
| International Operations  | 65.3     | 46.5    | 18.9   | 40.6    | 33.0     |
| Other Operations and      | 25.3     | 10.4    | 14.9   |         | 35.1     |
| eliminations              |          |         |        |         |          |
| Group total               | 207.3    | 123.1   | 84.2   | 68.4    | 141.7    |

| Return on investment                | IFRS         | IFRS        | IFRS      |
| (%)                                 | 1-9/2007     | 1-9/2006    | 2006      |
| Business Premises                   | 45.0         | 30.0        | 60.3      |
| Housing                             | 17.6         | 7.1         | 16.5      |
| International Operations            | 1.1          | -4.6        | -7.8      |
| Group total                         | 15.4         | 12.1        | 15.9      |

| Order backlog             | IFRS     | IFRS    | change | change, | IFRS     |
|                           |          |         | ,      |         |          |
| EUR million               | 9/2007   | 9/2006  | MEUR   | %       | 2006     |
| Business Premises         | 360.2    | 273.0   | 87.2   | 31.9    | 287.7    |
| Housing                   | 128.2    | 156.3   | -28.0  | -17.9   | 154.4    |
| International Operations  | 57.9     | 18.4    | 39.5   | 214.0   | 11.6     |
| Group total               | 546.3    | 447.7   | 98.6   | 22.0    | 453.7    |

| Business Premises         | IFRS     | IFRS    | change | change, | IFRS     |
|                           |          |         | ,      |         |          |
| EUR million               | 1-9/2007 | 1-9/200 | MEUR   | %       | 2006     |
|                           |          | 6       |        |         |          |
| Revenue                   | 242.2    | 208.3   | 33.9   | 16.3    | 297.0    |
| Operating profit          | 13.3     | 14.1    | -0.7   | -5.1    | 25.0     |
| Segment's assets          |          |         |        |         |          |
| Non-current assets        | 0.5      | 1.6     | -1.1   | -70.9   | 0.7      |
| Current assets            | 112.2    | 83.0    | 29.2   | 35.1    | 111.2    |
| Total assets              | 112.7    | 84.6    | 28.1   | 33.2    | 111.9    |
| Segment's liabilities     |          |         |        |         |          |
| Non-current liabilities   | 1.4      | 11.6    | -10.2  | -87.9   | 14.0     |
| Current liabilities       | 85.6     | 48.2    | 37.3   | 77.4    | 58.1     |
| Total liabilities         | 87.0     | 59.8    | 27.2   | 45.4    | 72.2     |
| Invested capital at end   | 44.4     | 37.1    | 7.3    | 19.8    | 37.9     |
| of period                 |          |         |        |         |          |
| Return on investment, %   | 45.0     | 30.0    |        |         | 60.3     |
| 1)                        |          |         |        |         |          |
| Order backlog at end of   | 360.2    | 273.0   | 87.2   | 31.9    | 287.7    |
| period                    |          |         |        |         |          |

| Housing                   | IFRS     | IFRS    | change | change, | IFRS     |
|                           |          |         | ,      |         |          |
| EUR million               | 1-9/2007 | 1-9/200 | MEUR   | %       | 2006     |
|                           |          | 6       |        |         |          |
| Revenue                   | 119.6    | 91.2    | 28.3   | 31.1    | 138.1    |
| Operating profit          | 7.8      | 1.4     | 6.4    | 459.5   | 5.1      |
| Segment's assets          |          |         |        |         |          |
| Non-current assets        | 1.2      | 0.9     | 0.3    | 31.8    | 1.1      |
| Current assets            | 92.6     | 66.7    | 25.9   | 38.8    | 73.1     |
| Total assets              | 93.9     | 67.7    | 26.2   | 38.7    | 74.2     |
| Segment's liabilities     |          |         |        |         |          |
| Non-current liabilities   | 24.7     | 19.9    | 4.8    | 24.4    | 25.5     |
| Current liabilities       | 52.2     | 31.6    | 20.5   | 64.9    | 35.5     |
| Total liabilities         | 76.9     | 51.5    | 25.4   | 49.3    | 61.0     |
| Invested capital at end   | 72.2     | 29.1    | 43.1   | 147.8   | 35.6     |
| of period                 |          |         |        |         |          |
| Return on investment, %   | 17.6     | 7.1     |        |         | 16.5     |
| 1)                        |          |         |        |         |          |
| Order backlog at end of   | 128.2    | 156.3   | -28.0  | -17.9   | 154.4    |
| period                    |          |         |        |         |          |

| International Operations  | IFRS     | IFRS    | change | change, | IFRS     |
|                           |          |         | ,      |         |          |
| EUR million               | 1-9/2007 | 1-9/200 | MEUR   | %       | 2006     |
|                           |          | 6       |        |         |          |
| Revenue                   | 34.4     | 28.7    | 5.7    | 20.0    | 44.6     |
| Operating profit          | -0.8     | -2.6    | 1.7    |         | -3.6     |
| Segment's assets          |          |         |        |         |          |
| Non-current assets        | 6.3      | 5.8     | 0.5    | 8.4     | 0.4      |
| Current assets            | 76.9     | 57.1    | 19.8   | 34.6    | 65.2     |
| Total assets              | 83.2     | 63.0    | 20.3   | 32.2    | 65.6     |
| Segment's liabilities     |          |         |        |         |          |
| Non-current liabilities   | 12.0     | 18.6    | -6.6   | -35.7   | 17.5     |
| Current liabilities       | 62.8     | 33.6    | 29.2   | 86.8    | 36.9     |
| Total liabilities         | 74.7     | 52.2    | 22.5   | 43.1    | 54.3     |
| Invested capital at end   | 65.3     | 46.5    | 18.9   | 40.6    | 33.0     |
| of period                 |          |         |        |         |          |
| Return on investment, %   | 1.1      | -4.6    |        |         | -7.8     |
| 1)                        |          |         |        |         |          |
| Order backlog at end of   | 57.9     | 18.4    | 39.5   | 214.0   | 11.6     |
| period                    |          |         |        |         |          |

1) In calculating the key ratio only the profit for the period has been         

3. Other key figures of SRV Group                                               

|                      | IFRS    | IFRS   | chang | IFRS   | IFRS    | IFRS    |
|                      |         |        | e,    |        |         |         |
|                      | 1-9/200 | 1-9/20 | %     | 7-9/20 | 7-9/200 | 2006    |
|                      | 7       | 06     |       | 07     | 6       |         |
| Operating profit, %  | 4.5     | 4.0    |       | 5.7    | 1.0     | 5.1     |
| Return on invested   | 15.4    | 12.1   |       | 16.3   | 5.2     | 15.9    |
| capital, % 1)        |         |        |       |        |         |         |
| Return on equity, %  | 15.2    | 19.3   |       | 14.4   | 4.2     | 27.3    |
| 1)                   |         |        |       |        |         |         |
| Net interest bearing | 19.8    | 49.6   | -60.0 |        |         | 64.6    |
| debt, EUR million    |         |        |       |        |         |         |
| Equity ratio, %      | 60.9    | 30.6   |       |        |         | 31.7    |
| Gearing ratio, %     | 12.2    | 91.4   |       |        |         | 103.9   |
| Earnings per share,  | 0.39    | 0.27   | 44.3  | 0.14   | 0.02    | 0.56    |
| EUR 2)               |         |        |       |        |         |         |
| Equity per share,    | 4.33    | 1.94   | 123.6 |        |         | 2.22    |
| EUR 2)               |         |        |       |        |         |         |
| Cash earnings per    | -1.05   | 2.43   |       | -1.16  | 3.58    | 1.82    |
| share, EUR 2)        |         |        |       |        |         |         |
| Share price at the   | 8.10    |        |       |        |         |         |
| end of period, EUR   |         |        |       |        |         |         |
| Market               | 297.8   |        |       |        |         |         |
| capitalization at    |         |        |       |        |         |         |
| end of period, EUR   |         |        |       |        |         |         |
| million              |         |        |       |        |         |         |
| Weighted number of   | 31 333  | 26 064 | 20.2  | 39 014 | 26 064  | 26 064  |
| shares outstanding,  |         |        |       |        |         |         |
| 1000                 |         |        |       |        |         |         |
| Number of shares     | 36 768  | 26 064 | 41.1  | 36 768 | 26 064  | 26 064  |
| outstanding at end   |         |        |       |        |         |         |
| of period, 1000      |         |        |       |        |         |         |
| Order backlog, EUR   | 546.3   | 447.7  | 22.0  |        |         | 453.7   |
| million              |         |        |       |        |         |         |
| Personnel, average   |   763   |   654  | 16.6  |    784 |    655  |   668   |
| 1) In calculating the key ratio only the profit for the period has been      |
| annualised                                                                   |
| 2) Key figures per share have been adjusted to reflect the increase in the   |
| number of shares, which came into effect on April 11th, 2007 (split), new    |
| issue of shares on June 11th, 2007 and the new issue of shares and the       |
| cancellation of treasury shares in connection with the merger of the SRV     |
| Henkilöstö Oy on September 29th, 2007                                        |
