Transactions concerning the shares of SRV Group Plc owned by Eero Heliövaara

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SRV Group Plc      Stock Exchange Release  5 January 2010   1.15 p.m. EET       
SRV Group Plc has completed the contract concluded between Eero Heliövaara, Ilpo
Kokkila and SRV Group Plc on 11 August 2009 concerning the sale of the shares.  
Nordea Bank AB (publ) has purchased the shares owned by Eero Heliövaara on 5    
January 2010.                                                                   

SRV Group Plc has made a total return swap agreement with Nordea Bank AB (publ) 
concerning the shares, according to which the shares will be sold to SRV Group  
Plc or to a party designated by SRV Group Plc. The agreement will become due in 
July 2010.                                                                      

SRV Group Plc                                                                   
Hannu Linnoinen, CEO                                                            

For further information, please contact:                                        
SRV Group Plc                                                                   
Katri Innanen, Chief Legal Counsel, tel. +358 20 145 5207                       

Nasdaq OMX Helsinki                                                             
Principal media
