Exhibitions at St Martin-in-the-Fields, April-June 2010
St Martin-in-the-Fields Church, Trafalgar Square, is renowned throughout the world for its music, architecture, hospitality and a forward-thinking approach to supporting people in need. From London’s first free lending library, to pioneering work with homeless people and the first religious radio broadcast St Martin’s continues to break new ground in defining what it means to be a church. As part of St Martin’s recent renovations the church is now able to host art exhibitions in the Gallery in the Crypt. St Martin’s offers a platform for artists and organisations to display their works, to deliver a message of hope and re-examine our views of the modern world. Monday 19 April – Sunday 2 May National Society of Painters Sculptors and Printmakers This illustrious group of artists strive to excite, interest and involve the public by showing a broad spectrum of contemporary and innovative painting, sculpture and printmaking. www.ns.highgrovefinearts.co.uk Monday 3 May – Saturday 9 May Libuse Mikova An exhibition celebrating the art of Gobelin tapestries. www.mika.czi.cz Monday 11- Sunday 23 May Urban Clones This exhibition of photo-clones reveals the emotional and factual connections between two cities, London and Vilnius. The photographers are Lithuanians who are current or former UK residents. Email: urbanistiniaklonai@gmail.com Monday 24 May – Sunday 20 June Closing Distances An exhibition fusing contemporary hand-lettering, fine art, collage and print by Mark L’Argent. Calligraphy Workshop with limited places for 12-16 year olds takes place on 29 May and a Calligraphy Demonstration open to all on 12 June. Both are free. Telephone the box office on 020 7766 1100 for further details. www.largent-art.co.uk Monday 21 – Sunday 27 June The Connection at St Martin’s Art Group The Connection at St Martin’s work with people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. They offer a range of services to clients including a dedicated art room, available five days a week. A rich variety of work produced by these artists will be on display and most of the works will be on sale. www.connection-at-stmartins.org.uk Monday 29 June – Sunday 18 July Southbank at the Crypt – Southbank Printmakers 10th Anniversary Exhibition Co-operative of 37 artist printmakers showcase the best in London printmaking in this anniversary exhibition. www.southbank-printmakers.com For further information or photographs email julie.emig@smitf.org or telephone 020 7766 1115. www.smitf.org