Stillfront Group AB : Stillfront Year End Report January - December 2015

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Year End Report January - December 2015


Quarterly Report Oktober - December 2015

  • Net revenues amounted to 19.7 MSEK (6.1 MSEK)
  • Underlying EBITDA, i.e. EBITDA adjusted for expensed investments, amounted to 4.3 MSEK (-0.1 MSEK). EBITDA amounted to 1.5 MSEK (-3.2 MSEK).
  • Profit/loss before tax was -1.3 MSEK (-12.6 MSEK). Profit/loss after tax was -2.2 MSEK (-12.6 MSEK).
  • Earnings per share before dilution, amounted to -0.55 SEK  (-4.20 SEK) Earnings per share after dilution, amounted to -0.54 SEK  (-4.05 SEK)[1].
  • As of 31 December, cash and cash equivalents amounted to 73.5 MSEK (4.3 MSEK).
  • A new share issue of 75 MSEK was completed and trading on Nasdaq First North commenced in December

Interim report January - December 2015

  • Net revenues amounted to 57.1 MSEK (29.1 MSEK)
  • Underlying EBITDA, i.e. EBITDA adjusted for expensed investments, amounted to 12.9 MSEK (2.3 MSEK).  EBITDA amounted to 4.0 MSEK (-8.2 MSEK)
  • Profit/loss before tax was -4.5 MSEK (-23.8 MSEK). Profit/loss after tax was -6.3 MSEK        (-23.8 MSEK)
  • Earnings per share before dilution, amounted to -1.56 SEK (-8,89 SEK). Earnings per share after dilution amounted to -1.52 SEK (-8.53 SEK).
  • As of December 31, cash and cash equivalents amounted to 73.5 MSEK (4.3 MSEK).
  • The board proposes no dividend to be paid.


A very strong year
"2015 has been a very strong year for Stillfront. Sales increased by 96% and underlying EBITDA increased more than fivefold. The strong growth is explained mainly by a tremendous growth in the game Call of War from Bytro, but also by good profitability in Coldwood. The consistent work to implement our PLEX strategy has given the continued satisfactory results. The positive development of our business with a very successful new share issue and listing in the fourth quarter gives us a very solid platform for continued strong growth in 2016", says Jörgen Larsson, CEO.

Continued strong growth for the Stillfront Group

Key figures, the Group

MSEK 2015
Net revenues 19.7 6.1 57.1 29.1
Growth in revenues 220%   96%  
Underlying EBITDA 4.3 -0.1 12.9 2.3
Underlying EBITDA margin 21,8% Neg 22,6% 7,8%
EBITDA 1.5 -3.2 4.0 -8.2
EBITDA margin 7.4% Neg 7.1% Neg
Profit/loss before tax -1.3 -12.6 -4.5 -23.8

[1] Earnings per share have been calculated after the 7:1 consolidation of shares and completed withdrawal of shares.

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