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  • STILRIDE takes place in ABB's growth hub SynerLeap with the goal of spreading its unique technology for green steel manufacturing.

STILRIDE takes place in ABB's growth hub SynerLeap with the goal of spreading its unique technology for green steel manufacturing.

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Swedish startup STILRIDE, which wants to revolutionize the motorcycle market with its electric scooter SUS1, is taking place in ABB's growth hub SynerLeap. The goal is to further develop and find broader applications for its unique manufacturing technology STILFOLD, where sheet steel is bent and bent in an origami-like process.

STILFOLD makes it possible to cut advanced shapes directly from sheet steel which, with the help of specially adapted software and one or more industrial robots, can be bent, folded and shaped. The result is a very durable construction with considerably lower weight than what a traditional construction provides. The basis for the development has always been to find a green and efficient manufacturing technology.

- The goal of STILRIDE has always been sustainable products and not least sustainable production. We realized early on that there is a huge need for innovation and new thinking in this area, which is why the development of sheep manufacturing technology has always been a basic prerequisite for working further with our first motorcycle, SUS1, says Tue Beijer, CTO and founder of STILRIDE.

As part of ABB's growth hub SynerLeap, STILRIDE now has direct access to a network of other innovative players in ABB's ecosystem. Thus, it also hopes to be able to further spread the benefits of its manufacturing technology to several application areas.

- We are very happy to have STILRIDE as members of SynerLeap. Together, we want to explore and develop how we can benefit from their unique origami process both within ABB and within the network of partners and customers, says Peter, says Peter Löfgren, Managing Director at SynerLeap.

A life cycle analysis of its first product SUS1, carried out in collaboration with IVL Swedish Environment Institute, has shown that, thanks to manufacturing technology STILFOLD, the climate footprint has been reduced by 50% by reducing the total weight of the solution by 40% and reducing the number of components required for the chassis. the whole 70%. In combination with the basic idea that the technology should also enable simpler local production, as by empowering steel workshops with robot cels in place, this means that both raw material consumption and shipping can be radically reduced.

- To be a part of SynerLeap feels honoring, of course, but above all it is proof that we are on the right path. We are now getting ready to not only start the production of our own solutions but also to be able to make a big difference in principle in all types of steel construction in the future, says Jonas Nyvang, CEO and co-founder of STILRIDE.

More information about STILFOLD is available at www.stilfold.com
More information about STILRIDE is available at www.stilride.com

Jonas Nyvang

STILRIDE is a Swedish technology and design company that will soon launch its first product, the electric motorcycle SUS1. SUS1 is also the first product to take advantage of the company's own and unique manufacturing process STILFOLD, where an origami-style process is utilized to shape advanced constructions from sheets of steel. The process not only creates extremely durable constructions, but also enables environmentally friendly and local production. STILRIDE was founded in 2020 by Tue Beijer and Jonas Nyvang. 


