Unique data platform brings transparency to global maritime trade; supports efforts to decarbonize the sector

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A  groundbreaking platform developed by Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) delivers for the first time information on cargo transported by individual vessels, the companies that own the cargo, and the greenhouse gas emissions associated with global maritime trade. It launches at a time when the importance of shipping emissions is growing fast.

Global Shipping Watch brings a new level of analytical depth, accountability and transparency to shipping and international supply chains. The platform introduces a pilot version covering large trading countries such as the United States and Brazil.

Photo: William William/Unsplash

“The combination of detailed cargo data and vessel operations data brings a very powerful product, and shines a light on what has long been a blind spot. Companies, investors, governments and research organizations can now use the data to inform decisions and actions to improve maritime shipping logistics and decrease emissions,” says Javier Godar, a Senior Researcher at SEI.

Global Shipping Watch combines a detailed description of cargo in indivudual ships, including ownership information, with data on ship movements and operations obtained from satellites and land stations.

With more than 80% of the world’s traded goods transported on oil-burning, seafaring freighters, the sector is responsible for nearly 3% of the world’s annual greenhouse gas emissions (IMO, 2021). That is more than the aviation sector, and it constitutes a large share of air pollution in coastal areas. The importance of maritime shipping emissions is expected to increase as trade flows increase, and as other sectors are so far comparatively more successful in reducing them.

The UN body International Maritime Organization (IMO) has committed to cut total annual greenhouse gas emissions from international shipping by at least 50% from 2008 levels by 2050. Experts say this target is not aligned with achieving the temperature goals of the Paris Agreement. Spurred by growing pressure from consumers, traders, retailers, financial institutions and governments, the maritime sector is making ambitious commitments (e.g. Getting to Zero Coalition , Poseidon Principles) to curb shipping emissions and reduce fuel consumption.

“So far, tackling shipping emissions has been hampered by the absence of reliable data, baselines, and emissions monitoring capabilities. One can hardly improve what is not adequately measured, monitored and benchmarked, ideally by independent third-parties,” says Javier Godar.

Global Shipping Watch (GSW), is an open access demonstration platform, led by SEI and partners UMAS and Simumatik, that fills information gaps and provides access to key data. For example, GSW:

  • contributes to corporate carbon reporting on scope 3 emissions (i.e. indirect emissions that occur in a company’s value chain)
  • helps consumers to understand the real carbon footprint of their choices
  • benchmarks the performance of accountable supply-chain actors (carriers, vessels, export companies, and countries) by setting credible baselines
  • provides information for more efficient chartering operations, for modelling improved shipping operations, and for a more efficient global maritime architecture
  • enables better analysis of supply chain vulnerabilities, bottlenecks and commercial opportunities.

Global Shipping Watch currently includes data on all the maritime exports and imports of the US (about one sixth of world trade in goods), as well as the exports of countries including Brazil, Chile, Peru, Ghana and Indonesia, in the year 2019. The ambition is to increase the geographical and temporal coverage of the platform to include most of global maritime trade.


Global Shipping Watch links detailed cargo data and emissions per vessel, at scale. The underlying peer-reviewed methodology (Schim van der Loeff et al. 2018) consists of five steps.

First, detailed cargo data per vessel is acquired and standardized.

Then billions of data points from the Automatic Information System (AIS) – a global tracking system that uses transceiver devices installed on all vessels over 300 gross tonnage – are matched to cargo data by looking for common recorded departure port, date and destination of each and all vessels.

The platform’s algorithms then segment the AIS signals into individual “journeys” that span each vessel trajectory, from cargo loading to download.

For each vessel journey GHG emissions are calculated using the methodology of the Fourth IMO Greenhouse Study, endorsed by the International Maritime Organization (IMO). The method (IMO 2021) combines AIS operational data (e.g. heading, speed, draft) and vessel technical specifications (e.g. deadweight, design speed, engine power and fuel consumption rate).

Finally, emissions are allocated proportionally, per cargo weight and value, to the cargo types, cargo ownership, countries of export/import, companies operating the vessels, and countries of flag.

GSW has been developed within the research project SEA-CASE (Spatially Explcit Analysis of Cargo Associated maritime Shipping Emissions), partly funded by the Swedish Transport Administration (Trafikverket).

Use this link to access Global Shipping Watch.

For more information please contact:

Annika Flensurg, Lead Press Officer at Stockholm Environment Institute, annika.flensburg@sei.org +46 73 901 60 11

Stockholm Environment Institute is an international non-profit research and policy organization that tackles environment and development challenges. We connect science and decision-making to develop solutions for a sustainable future for all. Across our eight centres in Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas, we engage with policy processes, development action and business practice throughout the world. www.sei.org @SEIresearch @SEIclimate





The combination of detailed cargo data and vessel operations data brings a very powerful product, and shines a light on what has long been a blind spot.
Javier Godar, a Senior Researcher at SEI.