Campaign Encourages Screening During Colon Cancer Awareness Month leads charge in colon cancer screening and prevention
Nashville, Tenn. (March 1, 2011) – Almost 40 percent of Americans at risk for colon cancer are not getting screened., a national public awareness campaign for colon cancer prevention and screening, is working to improve that statistic by urging anyone 50 and older to get screened during National Colon Cancer Awareness Month in March.
“Colon cancer is the second deadliest form of cancer in the United States, yet more than 80 percent of cases could be prevented with timely screenings,” said Dr. John W. Popp, Jr., medical advisor for “Through this campaign, we are trying to break down the barriers and convey a straightforward, crucial message – a colonoscopy can save your life.”
When colon cancer is detected and treated in the earliest stage, the five-year survival rate is 90 percent according to the American Cancer Society. A colonoscopy is the most effective method of screening for colon cancer because it allows both diagnosis and treatment at the same time. Patients are encouraged to get a screening if they are over 50 years old (45 for African Americans) or have a family history of colon cancer or polyps. is working through its 700 member physicians to increase screenings through patient education, primary care physician outreach and special events. One of the campaign’s objectives is to help the public overcome the barriers associated with colon cancer screenings – perceived risk, challenging preparation, fear of discomfort, modesty and embarrassment, and expense.
“Colonoscopies are done under sedation and usually painless; therefore, the prep is generally more uncomfortable than the procedure,” said Popp. “However, if the patient has been educated about what to expect and given a few helpful tips, 24 hours of discomfort becomes insignificant given the alternative.”
Current health care reform is also recognizing the importance of preventive care. Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, as of Jan. 1, screening colonoscopies for patients will be fully covered by Medicare, and private insurers that make changes in their plans will also be required to offer full coverage for screening colonoscopies. Patients may still be responsible for other services associated with the procedure, such as anesthesia.
Media Contact: Heather MacDonald or 615-780-3313
About is a community of more than 700 physicians who have joined forces to promote education and awareness about colon cancer screening and prevention. AmSurg, provider of approximately one in every 10 colonoscopies in the United States, launched the campaign in 2009 as part of its commitment to provide the highest level of care and information to people at risk for colon cancer. For more information on colon cancer and the importance of screening, visit