New ownership structure and reorganization in 2022 pave the way for a bright future.

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StopDigging entered 2022 strongly and at the end of the year was stable despite the global situation. Growth did not come at the predicted rate, but the company has managed to establish itself in new market segments and develop new products despite an uncertain environment. The company has adapted to the current situation, and the organization is strong with high competence.

StopDigging is certified according to ISO 9001:2015, which also means that installations carried out by our authorized partners are ISO-certified, and it’s still the only ground screw company in the world that has an ISO9001-certified installation process. StopDigging is also ISO14001 certified. StopDigging has also been certified according to CodeMark for the New Zealand market during the year, and other national certifications are under development. In many cases, these certificates play a decisive role in more complex installations on the international market and demonstrate the quality, durability, and areas of use of StopDigging's products.

2022 was a tough year for the entire construction industry. After record years during the pandemic, the industry had to struggle with increased timber prices, paused construction, and a private market struggling with increased living costs. Our client’s positive reception and the market potential are such that the board continues to see very good development potential. The company has a unique concept based on three key components, high-quality ground screws, specialized machines, and competent people.

Ground screws + Solar energy

In 2022, StopDigging implemented its self-developed stand for solar cells with very good reception, and this has resulted in several new collaborations with companies in the energy industry. Renewable energy has very much become a priority worldwide, not only for companies but also for private individuals who invest in ground installations with solar cells to gain control over the costs of electricity consumption. StopDigging has an overall solution that both has a short delivery time and is quickly installed. The group now delivers its comprehensive solution for solar parks in several European markets, as well as New Zealand.

Product development and engineering spirit.

In the Product and Technology department, development has been successful where, among other things, existing machines and screws have been improved. In 2022, we also started selling our custom-made solar cell stands developed to fit our sales areas. The company has a unique calculation model for solar cell installations, which means that they can quickly quote and deliver solar cell stands mounted on our custom-made Solar ground screw developed for this purpose. The development of a Swedish-made machine, unique according to StopDigging’s high requirements, has commenced and is expected to be launched at the end of 2023.

New business model

During the year, the company's management has continued to focus on the long term and carried out a complete strategy program that is well anchored in the company's board and with the staff. During 2023, the company will continue its work in line with its strategy whilst also focusing strongly on improved market efforts and profitability.

2022 in numbers:

  • Turnover SEK 50 million
  • 11 new product improvements implemented.
  • Entry into 3 new markets
  • Close collaborations with around 20 companies

StopDigging sells and installs ground screws through 130 certified partners located in twelve countries. The ground screw is an effective alternative to other ground anchors and simplifies and reduces the total cost for our customers. The use of our ground screws reduces the environmental impact compared to conventional methods. StopDigging is passionately driving the change for a more circular environmental approach in the construction industry, where our ground screws have several environmental advantages, including lower emissions of carbon dioxide and the fact that they can be reused and recycled.

Elisabeth Lodin
Press contact

StopDigging is Sweden's largest supplier of cost-effective ground anchoring via ground screws. StopDigging's proprietary ground screws are a modern and cost-effective ground anchor that quickly and sustainably creates a stable ground foundation for large and small construction projects. StopDigging was founded in 2012 and is a pioneer in the construction industry with headquarters in Helsingborg. The company operates globally in the European market, North America, Australia, and New Zealand. The company has over 130 partners, who are authorized installers of StopDigging's ground screw.


