StopDigging Awarded Prestigious ICC-ES Certification for Ground Screw Systems

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Helsingborg, Sweden, 2024-01-10 — StopDigging, a leading innovator in sustainable foundation solutions, is proud to announce that it has been granted the esteemed ICC Evaluation Service (ICC-ES) certification for its ground screw systems, with the listing report number ESL-1584. This landmark approval not only signifies compliance with the highest building code standards but also cements StopDigging as a forerunner in environmentally conscious construction practices.

​​The ICC-ES certification is a rigorous evaluation process ensuring that products meet compliance with building codes across the United States. With this certification, StopDigging aligns its ground screw technology with the International Building Code (IBC) and International Residential Code (IRC), reflecting the company’s commitment to quality and safety.

Receiving the ICC-ES certification is a testament to StopDigging's dedication to providing industry-leading, sustainable solutions that support a greener future in construction. This achievement allows StopDigging to display the prestigious ICC-ES mark, a symbol of excellence and reliability recognized by builders, architects, and regulators nationwide.

As we celebrate this accomplishment, StopDigging also looks forward to increased visibility through the ICC’s digital codes portal and the New Broadcast Report, reaching over 38,000 ICC members. This certification is a significant milestone in our journey towards a more sustainable world and a foundation for continued innovation in the construction industry.

For more information on StopDigging and our ICC-ES-certified ground screw systems, please contact Elisabeth Lodin, Press Contact for StopDigging:

StopDigging- Building a Sustainable Future, One Ground Screw at a Time.

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StopDigging is Sweden's largest supplier of cost-effective ground anchoring via ground screws. StopDigging's proprietary ground screws are a modern and cost-effective ground anchor that quickly and sustainably creates a stable ground foundation for large and small construction projects. StopDigging was founded in 2012 and is a pioneer in the construction industry with headquarters in Helsingborg. The company operates globally in the European market, North America, Australia, and New Zealand. The company has over 130 partners, who are authorized installers of StopDigging's ground screw.


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