Stora Enso is charged with alleged anticompetitive conduct in the USA

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Stora Enso is charged with alleged anticompetitive conduct in the USAStora Enso Oyj Stock Exchange Release 14 December 2006 at 7.30 GMTOn 13 December 2006 the US Antitrust authorities announced that Stora Enso North America Corp. had been indicted for its alleged anticompetitive conduct in connection with the sale of coated magazine paper in the USA in 2002 and 2003. No Stora Enso employee was charged individually. Stora Enso denies any wrongdoing and will enter a plea of not guilty when it appears before the court at the arraignment to respond to the indictment. The indictment concludes the investigation that began in May 2004. The Group expects the trial to occur in 2007. For further information, please contact:Per Lyrvall, Legal Counsel, tel. +46 70 580 3534Kari Vainio, Executive Vice President, Corporate Communications, tel. +44 77 9934 8197 Previous press releases concerning issues with the competition authorities in the USA are available at 25 May 2004: Competition authorities investigate Stora Enso premises (updated)- 10 June 2004: Stora Enso takes action to respond to the competition authority investigations The Department of Justice press release is available at the Antitrust Division website, at Text version / Internet version / Print / Close
